That didn't just happen

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Here you go guys. It's a bit longer than usual so hope you enjoy it!

Jade smiled as she watched Ashton play through his sequence. He was incredibly talented and he made the cutest faces while he played.

"That was great, I think I got it so now we can move on." Jade spoke into the intercom as Ashton brought the song to a stop.

"Wow, really? I only played through it like twice." Ashton frowned.

"That's all I needed." Jade shrugged messing with some dials.

"You are amazing." Ashton was now stood next to her.

"Why thank you." Jade grinned up at him. Ashton couldn't help but smile back her smile was literally the best thing ever. And he never noticed but she had a dimple on her left cheek.

"Did you know your dimple mirrors Lukes?" Ashton asked not meaning to say it out loud.

"Yeah, Luke and I used to joke around and say we were mirror twins when I died my hair blond." Jade laughed.

"You were blond?" Ashton asked surprised. She had such dark hair he couldn't picture her as a blond.

"Sure was, for about a year actually." Jade nodded continuing to mess with buttons and dials.

"Okay, so now you're part is done we just need to get Luke, Calum and Michael in here." Jade smiled.

"That's literally great news!" Ashton was excited to have gotten so much accomplished. He played through the song twice and Jade had managed to get his portion of the song complete other than vocals. Which the guys were in the other room learning.

Liam kicked the ball barely missing the net.

"Damn it." He huffed as he waited for Niall to kick it back.

"You alright, Li?" Niall asked sensing the older lad's frustration.

"I'm just so torn. I am distracted so badly. I just want to tell her but Clarissa and Luke think it's a bad idea." Liam huffed as he lined the soccer ball up for another shot.

"Well she is dating Jay." Niall shrugged.

"I know." Liam grumbled as he kicked the soccer ball again. This time it soared past Niall and into the goal.

"Why don't you try getting over her instead." Niall suggested kicking the ball once again back to Liam.

"I guess, but I don't want to get over her." Liam sighed lining up the ball again.

"I know it's hard but you might find yourself happier." Niall said thoughtfully before blocking Liam's shot.

"Nice block, Ni." Liam complimented.

"Thanks." Niall smiled kicking the ball to Liam.

"So what about you and Clarissa. You haven't mentioned her since the other night." Liam asked taking a seat on the grass. He was tired.

"Haven't talked to her since." Niall shrugged making his way to Liam's side.

"Don't you have her number?" Liam asked.

"Well yeah but I don't know what to say. Besides she's Nathan's sister." Niall huffed.

"So? Nathan isn't Tom or Max." Liam pointed out.

"I know but we're not exactly on friendly terms with any of them." Niall argued.

"Oh who cares. Give her a call or just send her a text. How about this, let's get everyone together at New Haven again tonight. I could use an excuse to make amends with Jade and you can see Clarissa." Liam suggested.

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