This has to be handled

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New update! Enjoy!!!!

Ashton took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to speak Jade's phone went off. She hurriedly pulled it out of her pocket.

“Charley?” Jade spoke into the reciever trying to hide the tears in her voice.

“No, it's okay I'm-” At that moment the phone was snatched from Jade's hand.

“Charley!” Ashton snapped into the phone.

“Ashton!” Jade huffed trying to grab her phone back.

“What the hell did I say!? I told you not to let this get this far!” Ashton was yelling into the reciever.

“Ashton, stop it's not his fault.” Jade growled.

“Is it true?” Ashton demanded.

“Are they back together?” Ashton asked impatiently.

“Don't lie to me.” Ashton growled.

“Ashton, stop.” Jade barked.

“What is going on?” Luke frowned.

“Nothing, nothing is going on.” Jade shook her head. Ashton hung up the phone and thrust the device towards Jade.

“We need to talk.” Ashton said in a stern voice.

“I need someone to tell me what in the hell is going on here.” Luke demanded. Jade bit her lip not wanting to make eye contact with Ashton or Luke.

“Jade and I got into another argument. We need to settle this once and for all but I think it needs to be done alone.” Ashton answered swallowing hard.

“What could you two possibly be arguing about now? And who did you think she was back together with?” Luke asked looking frustrated.

“Look, we'll explain it all in a bit, for now why don't you guys take my card and head to Strossners. They'll be open for another hour. We'll have this handled by the time you get back I promise.” Ashton suggested pulling out his card and handing it to Luke.

“I'm not leaving you two alone to kill each other.” Luke shook his head.

“Then Michael can stay.” Ashton said.

“Ashton, this is ridiculous. You two can't sort anything out, you know that.” Luke sighed.

“This time is different. I'm going to give her the answers she wants.” Ashton said swallowing hard.

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