You should totally come interveiw

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Here is an update Enjoy! Just a filler chapter...=)

The sound of clattering pans and swearing came from inside the house. Ashton jogged up the steps before opening the door cautiously. Inside was Luke getting ready to make breakfast.

"Hey Ash." Luke smiled at his friend.

"Hey Luke. You having trouble in here?" Ashton chuckled at the mess of pans sprawled on the counter.

"I was gonna make breakfast but I just got a text from John that said he has a few interviews lined up for us today starting at eleven." Luke shrugged.

"Interviews for what?" Ashton asked peeling off his sweaty shirt.

"Producers. Jade is almost done with Don't Stop. We need to replace Beth." Luke answered.

"Oh, right. Okay, great! I'll go shower!" Ashton started for his room when Luke spoke up again.

"Michael's in the shower right now. You'll have to wait til he's done."

"Okay, then in that case what's for breakfast?"Ashton took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Well I literally just sent Calum out for eggs but when I got that text I called and he's on his way to Mya's. I just told him usual's all around. Figured it was the safest solution." Luke shrugged.

"Ooh, haven't had Mya's in a while." Ashton grinned excitedly. At that moment Jade walked in. Ashton looked away from her before she could say anything to him.

"Morning." Jade said almost shyly. She avoided looking at Ashton directly.

"Hey babe." Luke pressed a kiss to Jade's temple as she walked by him.

"You cooking?" Jade asked raising a brow at the pans still scattered about.

"Oh, no. I was going to but we have to go into the studio for a couple producer interviews." Luke answered.

"Oh good, finally going to replace Beth." Jade smiled.

"Yeah, It'll be nice to have a reliable producer. Right Ash?"

"Anything is better than Beth." Ashton snorted.

"You really hated her didn't you?" Jade asked.

"You have no idea what I had to deal with when it came to her." Ashton shook his head looking down at his phone. He refused to make eye contact with Jade.

"She was definitely difficult but her and Ash just didn't get along in general." Luke explained.

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