I miss you

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A/N Hey guys. Here's a shorter update. The next one should hopefully be a little longer. Enjoy!

Ashton downed the last of his drink before setting the empty glass on the bar.

"How about just one more?" Ashton slurred.

"I think that's a very bad idea. You've had a lot to drink." Andrew shook his head taking the empty glass.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded simply.

Jade watched nervously from the other side of the bar as Ashton laid his head on the marble top. He looked smashed. She had sent Charley home insisting that she stayed to keep a distant eye on Ashton. She didn't know if anyone knew he was here and didn't want to risk him driving home alone in his drunken state.

"Hey Andrew does he have a ride home?" Jade asked as Andrew walked by.

"Not that I know of. I can ask for you, if you'd like?" Andrew offered. Jade bit her lip.

"Please." She gave a thankful smile. She watched Andrew make his way to Ashton who lifted his head. They exchanged a few words some of which Ashton gestured to heavily with drunken hands. Finally Andrew turned towards Jade and simply shook his head.

Jade let out a sigh and mouthed a thank you to Andrew before standing up. She cautiously made her way around the bar. She knew this was probably a bad idea but she couldn't help it. She knew she should call Michael or someone but she was too selfish. She wanted nothing more than to talk to Ashton hear him say her name.

"Jade?" Ashton's voice caused her to freeze. She met the green eyes she'd missed so dearly.

"Ashton, hey." Jade bit her lip.

"What are you doing here?" Ashton asked stumbling off his stool.

"How much have you had?" Jade asked frowning.

"Enough." Ashton shrugged.

"How are you getting home?" Jade knew the answer but she asked anyway.

"I don't know. I'm not sure if Andrew will let me drive." Ashton shrugged.

"I'd say not. Look, I came with Charley and he left already why don't I drive you home?" Jade offered nervously. She waited for him to say no.


"Look, Alexa doesn't have to know. I'll drop you and the car off and I'll get a cab home. I don't want you driving and you don't need to take a cab home alone either." Jade spoke hurriedly. She wanted so badly for him to agree just to spend a little time with him.

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