Ashton, it's not what you think

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 Hello!!!! Another update! Woo! Hope you enjoy!!!

Michael heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was only about twelve thirty. Everyone else had already gone to bed since they all had to be at the studio the next day. Ashton hadn't come home yet and Michael wasn't going to able to sleep until he knew Ashton made it back. It had been a long and stressful day and he just wanted everyone home safe.

"Come in." Michael called unsure of who it could be.

"Hey, Michael. I'm not bothering you am I?" Jade asked peering her head in.

"Of course not, Is everything okay?" Michael set his laptop on his side table.

"I'm just not sure what to do." Jade said stepping in the room and shutting the door behind her.

"About what?" Michael asked patting the bed next to him. Jade slipped under the covers and looked over at Michael.

"Ashton." Jade sighed.

"He said he wants to talk tomorrow. I don't want to talk to him. He said he wants a chance to fix this. I don't want him to." Jade bit her lip.

"Jade, I know it's hard right now. But you managed with Liam. You'll get through this too. And would you rather have Ashton hate you or be friends with you?" Michael asked.

"I'd rather he loved me." Jade said sadly.

"Even if he did he's not allowed to. You still couldn't be together." Michael pointed out.

"I know. Jade spoke in barely a whisper. Michael hated seeing Jade so upset and he knew somewhere Ashton was just as upset.

Ashton pushed away the still half full beer bottle. Standing up he checked the time. It was one a.m. Michael had text him at twelve saying it was okay to come home. Ashton told him he needed a little more time but he would be home soon. He slowly made his way to Michael's car, which Michael had left him. The entire way to the house Ashton argued whether or not he should tell Luke about his feelings or if he should just tell Jade and beg her not to tell Luke or if he shouldn't say anything at all. By the time he pulled into the driveway he was just frustrated and had decided to ask Michael.

Michael perked up when he heard the front door. Ashton was finally home. Michael let out a relieved sigh. He had been getting worried. Michael tossed a sad glance at the now sleeping Jade next to him. Michael's eye lids were heavy and he needed sleep. He scooted further under the covers and allowed his eyes to close.

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