In fact things were about to get much worse.

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Wooo another update. I've got a lot of ideas flowing so...yeah. Anyway this one is a bit enjoy!

"Hey Michael have you-" Ashton pushed open Michael's cracked door and stopped dead in his tracks. Jade was curled up in Michael's arms.

""Ummm-nevermind." Ashton turned to leave. The pain in his chest was none other than jealousy. When had Jade and Michael gotten so close?

"I-it's okay, I was just leaving." Jade stood.

"Thank you." Why was she thanking him? And was she crying?

"Are you crying?" Ashton asked suddenly concerned. He hated to see her cry.

"I'm fine." Jade shook her head.

"Jade, why are you crying?" Ashton asked sternly. She tossed a nervous glance to Michael, why was she crying in Michael's arms? Had something been said. Was it because of him?

"I was just missing Jay, I needed someone to talk to." Jade dropped her head again.

"I thought it was getting easier?" Ashton asked taking a step in the room towards Jade. He couldn't stand to see her so upset.

"Yeah, but I guess seeing Niall and Clarissa together today made me miss him." Jade bit her lip tossing Michael another glance. Why did she keep glancing at Michael? And why was she suddenly upset about Jay again?

"You left him for a reason remember?" Ashton asked taking another few steps until he was in front of her. He wanted to pull her into him. He wanted to be the one to take away her pain.

"I know..." Jade sighed. Ashton lifted her chin so she was looking at him.

"Do you?" Ashton asked looking down into her watery blue eyes. He was slightly upset but at the same time he needed to keep to the plan.

"It's still hard sometimes." Jade dropped her gaze biting her lip. Ashton dropped his hand and stepped away from Jade. He had to stick to the plan.

"Well I'm sure Michael will help you get past it." Ashton turned then and left without another word. It took every once of him to walk away from her. She looked so upset. But Ashton knew if he stayed it would only make things worse. He needed to get over her and the only way to do that was by distancing himself from her.

Ashton grabbed a glass of water before he noticed Jade slip from Michael's room still wiping away tears. He quickly averted his eyes. Jade crying was something he had a hard time handling. He glanced back up to see her disappear into her room. Ashton took the opportunity to talk to Michael, he needed to know what that was all about.

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