When a drunk man speaks, listen because 90% of what he says is truth

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Hello all, Another update for you lovely people! Enjoy!!!

"Oh shit, Ashton upset Jade again." Calum stated as he watched the two argue and Jade walk off towards the beach.

"I'll take care of it." Michael stood.

"I've got it." Liam stood practically dumping Samantha from his lap. Michael frowned but took a seat.

"Is that a good idea?" Samantha asked.

"I'll only be a second." Liam said as he went to hurry after Jade.

Jade wiped away a tear and plopped down on the sand. She buried her head in her hands.

"Alexandria, babe, what's wrong?" Liam asked as he sat beside her and pulled her to him. Jade pulled away and looked up at Liam.

"Why are you here?" Jade asked wiping the tears that flowed down her face.

"To make sure you're okay." Liam answered as if the answer was obvious.

"Where's Michael?" Jade asked glancing back towards the bar as if Michael might be on his way down.

"Back at the table." Liam frowned.

"Can you send him down here?" Jade sniffed.

"You know you aren't actually dating him right?" Liam pointed out.

"I'm aware. I'd just rather to talk to him." Jade answered before burying her head in her hands again. Liam stood with a hurt expression on his face. He slowly turned away.

"Ashton, what did you do?" Michael asked taking a seat next to his friend.

"I just made Jack leave." Ashton shrugged not looking over at Michael.

"Why did she walk off clearly upset?" Michael asked.

"I don't know Michael why do you go ask her?" Ashton snapped.

"Whoa why are you pissed at me?" Michael asked.

"Oh I don't know, because you fucking kissed her. You couldn't reign it in a little knowing I was sitting there?" Ashton barked. Michael sighed. So that's what this was about.

"Look, Ashton, she kissed me, I was only playing the part."

"You sure didn't seem to mind." Ashton seethed.

"Ashton, I was fixing your mistake, the least you can say is thank you." Michael snapped. Ashton had no right to be mad at him.

"I don't mean to interrupt but ummm, Michael, Jade said she'd rather talk to you." Liam's tone was sad as he interrupted Michael and Ashton.

"Of course she would." Ashton huffed.

"Why don't you stay here and cool off a bit." Michael growled as he stood.

"Whatever." Ashton rolled his eyes and Michael made his way towards the beach where Jade was.

Michael took a seat next to Jade and without saying a word he wrapped his arms around her.

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