Which would you date if you had the chance?

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I have finally updated. I am sorry it has been so long...My shoulder took longer to heal than expected. It's almost better. Just have to do physical therapy. But enough about me and my boring life. Hope you enjoy the update! I promise I'll update again soon! I'm gonna start working on the next one tonight. Love ya!

"Come one Jade, you know us so much better than Gage. I really want you both there. Please?" Luke begged.

"Luke, I really don't want to I'm good at interviews." Jade whined.

"Hey what's going on?" Ashton asked walking into the living room his hair still wet from his shower.

"I'm trying to convince Jade to come with us for the interview. Gage is going but I think they should talk to both." Luke explained.

"Oh." Ashton had been looking forward to getting away from Jade for a day.

"I'm not going Luke. They said a producer not two producers." Jade shook her head.

"Technically they said your producer." Calum piped in taking a seat next to Jade on the couch.

"Producer. Singular not plural." Jade grinned.

"They didn't say we could only bring one." Michael added from the lounge chair next to the couch.

"Shut up Michael." Jade growled.

"Come on babe, everyone wants you to go." Luke gave his best puppy dog eyes causing Jade to smile.

"Fine. But you owe me so big!" Jade huffed in agreement. Luke grinned victoriously.

Jade waited patiently in the interview room. She didn't realize it was going to be like this. The room was bright yellow with bright orange furniture and black accents. It was a small room to say the least with only a couch a chair across from it and a side table next to the chair.

"Mrs. Price. Hello, thank you for being here today." A tall blonde guy spoke as he stepped in the door.

"Hi." Jade smiled politely.

"My name is Greg." He stuck out his hand which Jade shook.

"Alright, so here is the deal. I am going to be asking you a series of questions and then the guys are going to try and guess what you said. Then the same will be done in reverse." Greg explained vaguely.

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