Don't say that unless you mean it

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        New update! Things will be coming to an end soon I think...haha I didn't expect it to be this much longer but oh well. Hope you enjoy!

Jade made her way inside sadly. She didn't know what to do. She needed to talk to someone.

“Hey, is everything okay? Ashton looked awful when he came back in. I tried to apologize but he didn't want to hear it.” Charley said in a hushed tone when Jade entered the kitchen.

“I don't know what to do Charley. I love him. Even though I don't want to I do.” Jade bit her lip. “I want to hate him but I don't. And I'm so mad at myself for that.” Jade sighed. This wasn't fair.

“Maybe you aren't meant to hate him. Think of how easily you were able to stay angry at Shawn and Liam and Jay. Maybe Ashton is different.” Charley shrugged.

“I don't want him to be different.” Jade groaned.

“Why? Just because of Luke?” Charley asked.

“No, he hurt me. He was awful towards me. I don't want to go through that again.” Jade shook her head.

“You won't have to. He was doing to keep his distance because of how he felt. Now you know there's no reason to keep you at a distance.” Charley pointed out.

“But Charley, I don't want to love Ashton. I don't want to love anyone.”

“Wait, did you just say you're in love with Ashton?” Liam's voice asked from behind Jade. She turned around and felt herself pale. Jade's heart dropped.

“N-no, I-”

“Yes you did.” Liam said cutting her off.

“Liam, it's complicated. You wouldn't understand.” Jade frowned. Luke was sure to find out now.

“Does Luke know?” Liam asked a clear hurt in his eyes. Jade felt awful. Now she had hurt Liam too. She wanted him to back off but the pain on his face made her regret it.

Jade only shook her head.

“Why?” Liam asked frowning.

“Why what?” Jade asked confused.

“Why Ashton?” Liam asked.

“I don't know, Liam. I've asked myself that a million times. I don't have an answer.” Jade dropped her head.

“How long?” Liam asked.

“Since the second week.” Jade sighed sadly.

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