You know Ashton better than almost anybody

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a little while been super busy! I'll try to get another one up soon, but for now here is this one!!! Enjoy!

"Michael? Do you have a minute?" Jade asked peering into Michael's open bedroom door. He was sat on his bed staring intently at his laptop.

"Of course, what's up?" Michael asked looking from his computer.

"I need to talk to someone about something and Ashton always says you're the perfect person for that kind of thing." Jade bit her lip nervously.

"I don't about all that but what's bothering you?" Michael asked with a small smirk as he closed his computer giving Jade his full attention. Jade stepped in the room and closed the door most of the way.

"I umm, I have a question actually." Jade sighed.

"Okay?" Michael patted the bed urging Jade to have a seat next to him.

"Well I don't know that anybody knows Ashton better than you do." Jade started taking a seat.

"Well I am pretty good about reading people in general." Michael shrugged.

"What about me?" Jade asked.

"What about you?" Michael frowned.

"Well what do you think is my situation?" Jade asked looking over at Michael nervously. She wanted to see if he had picked up on her feelings for Ashton.

"Well, I think you're very passionate about your job. You're friends are the most important thing to you. You miss Liam but it's easier to be away from him. You miss Jay but you're getting past that. You're only girlfriend is Clarissa. Luke is your rock and your his. Liam used to be the same way but you distanced yourself to keep yourself from getting hurt, even more." Michael shrugged. Jade frowned that was creepily on point.

"What about- what about Ashton and I?" Jade asked looking down at her hands.

"What do you mean?" Michael was trying to gauge her reaction but she looked away.

"Why does he hate me?" Jade asked suddenly catching Michael off guard.

"He-he doesn't hate you. Far from it." Michael answered honestly. Was she figuring out his feelings for her?

"Then why has he been acting like he does?" Jade asked.

"Look, don't let Ashton's little attitude bother you. He's just going through a lot right now." Michael sighed. He didn't know what to say. How was he supposed to tell her that Ashton was doing to her what she did to Liam?

"I-I- I have a thought." Jade said with hesitation. Michael could tell she wasn't exactly comfortable with what she was about to say. Had she done something to piss Ashton off that he was unaware of?

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