It's not her fault you fell for Luke's best friend

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Hello, here is the next update. Hope you like it. Love ya!!!

"Oh shit, that can't be a good sign." Michael huffed as he got out of the car.

"Why is he here?" Ashton asked angrily.

"I'm not sure, but I need you to calm down." Michael said in a warning tone. He saw how tense Ashton was and it worried Michael.

They made their way to the studio and slowly pushed the doors open only to hear shouting.

"I can't believe you!" A male voice boomed.

"This is so typical of you! You lied to me! How long has this been a thing? How long have you had feelings for him!?" The voice continued demandingly.

"It's not like that! Would you just listen to me for five seconds?!" Jade bellowed back.

Michael and Ashton approached the acoustics room to see Jade and Jay only about a foot apart full on yelling at one another.

"What's going on here?" Michael asked in demanding tone. He gave Ashton a look that said keep your distance. Ashton lingered back despite the fact that he wanted to get involved.

"Oh look, Michael's here to save the day." Jay sneered taking a step back from Jade.

"Jade, babe, what's wrong? What's going on?" Michael asked taking her hands in his and turning her away from Jay so he could talk to her in private.

"Babe, huh? So you lied to me again?" Jay snapped.

"Jay, it's not like that, I told you. We're just friends." Jade huffed.

"Andrea, you keep saying that. But he's calling you babe and holding on to you like that he's being protective over you that's all something I used to do ya know back when we were dating!" Jay yelled.

"Michael, please tell him we're not together." Jade pleaded.

"Oh, like I'm going to believe him. Jack told me all about you two last night." Jay growled.

"Jay, it's so complicated. We were pretending to date because of Jack." Jade explained.

"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Jay snapped.

"It's true." Michael added in.

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