I don't think so Michael, not this time.

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Hey guys so sorry it's been so long....Been a verrrrry long couple of weeks. Anyway hope you enjoy!!!

It had been almost a week since Jade had moved back into the house and everyday Ashton made her breakfast and every night he had her drink waiting on her at New Haven and everyday Jade skipped breakfast and every night she opted to get a different drink. Ashton was trying his best to get her to warm back up to him but she was being just as cold.

Ashton sighed eyeing the time as he stared down at the mixed drink he had waiting on Jade. Michael cleared his throat. Ashton jerked his head up to see Jade walking towards them. She was wearing a short flowery skirt and a bright pink tank top. Not a usual outfit for her but Ashton refused to mention it. Instead he jumped up from the table to greet her like he did everynight. Calum and Michael waited for the usual glare from Jade.

“Hey Jade.” Michael smiled. Jade looked at Michael and smiled.

“Michael, Calum hi!” Jade seemed excited to see them. Michael wondered if she'd already been drinking.

“Hey Jade, I got your drink for you.” Ashton said. He waited for the usual 'I'm not thirsty' before she ignored him for the rest of the night. However she turned and her eyes lit up.

“Oh Ashton, you are the sweetest thing!” Jade gushed throwing herself onto Ashton. Ashton frowned but hugged her back anyway.

Michael and Calum were shocked. She must have already been drinking.

“You are literally the best!” Jade exclaimed before she suddenly attached her lips to Ashton's. Ashton froze. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't wait for the day he got to kiss Jade sober, however this felt wrong.

“Ashton?” Luke's voice asked. Ashton felt all the blood drain from his face as he shoved Jade off of him.

“Luke!” Ashton whipped around to see Luke and...Jade?

Jade felt herself pale.

“Allison?” Jade couldn't believe what she'd just seen. Ashton kissing her sister.

“Jade?” Michael asked confused.

“Lexi!”Allison gushed bouncing to where Jade stood horrified.

“What are you doing here?” Jade hissed?

“I'm here to see you of course.” Allison giggled.

“Why didn't you call like you usually do?” Jade asked annoyed.

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