What was he doing here?

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Okay here is the next part. I hope you guys like it....It's a bit longer than usual. Anyway let me know what you think...I'd love you forever!!!

The rest of dinner was small chatter mostly between Jade and Clarissa. Ashton kept his eye on the time. He just wanted to go home. Not that he didn't enjoy hanging out with Jade and Clarissa but it was hard for him to be around Jade.

"Here you are, you three have a lovely night." The waiter smiled setting down the check for the final time.

"Thanks you too." Ashton smiled grabbing his card from the small black book.

"Thank you so much for dinner Ashton." Jade smiled putting a hand on Ashton's arm. Ashton looked up his green eyes meeting her deep blue ones.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me tag along. Are you sure I can't pay you back?" Clarissa asked causing Ashton to drop Jade's gaze.

"Of course not. I told you tonight was on me." Ashton smiled giving Clarissa a small wink.

"Well let me hit the bathroom real fast and we can go." Clarissa stood leaving Jade and Ashton alone.

Ashton concentrated on signing the receipt.

"Are you okay?" Jade's voice sounded concerned causing Ashton to look up.

"What?" Ashton was confused.

"About Clarissa liking Niall..." Jade trailed off looking sympathetic.

"Jade, look I know you think I like her and I do, she's great, but not like that." Ashton sighed.

"Ashton, it's okay if you do. She doesn't have to know." Jade responded not convinced.

"Trust me it would be easier if I had feelings for her." Ashton said.

"What do you mean?" Jade asked. Ashton froze. Had he really said that aloud?

"Well it's just...I umm...I'm not really interested in anyone." Ashton shrugged lying.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Jade frowned.

"The boys give me a hard time cause I haven't dated anyone in a while." Ashton shrugged again.

"Why haven't you?" Jade asked. Ashton swallowed hard and met Jade's eyes once again.

"I just haven't." Ashton answered vaguely after a moment of hesitation.

Just as Jade was about to say something else Clarissa walked up.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Ashton stood avoiding the concerned look on Jade's face.

Clarissa noticed the tension and glanced curiously between Ashton and Jade. Jade had a confused and worried frown while Ashton looked uncomfortable and nervous.

"Let's go." Ashton urged still avoiding Jade's look.

"Liam, don't do this. I'm telling you this is a bad idea. She's with Jay. This is just going to hurt both of you. Seriously, Luke is right, this is better left unsaid." Harry said with a sigh. Liam was sifting through his closet looking for the nice purple button down Jade had bought him a while back.

"I would feel better if she knew." Liam answered simply.

"But think about how it will make her feel." Harry tried again.

"I'd want to know if I were her." Liam countered.

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled at the unfortunate irony of the situation.

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