Living with her would the death of him

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Hey guys this one is kinda short. But it's just a filler chapter...anyway....enjoy!!!

"Hey Ash, you here?" Luke called out hauling Jade's bags.

"Yeah." Ashton appeared in the hallway.

"Can you grab the rest of Jade's things from the trunk please?" Luke asked stepping by him.

Ashton nodded and headed towards the car. He spotted Jade pacing on the phone.

"I know Claire. I'm no happier about it."

"Because you didn't hear the things he said. He was convinced I was going to leave him for Michael." Jade sighed into the phone.

"I've tried talking to him Claire. He doesn't want to hear it."

Ashton frowned and grabbed the rest of Jade's bags bringing them inside.

"Thanks Ash." Luke gave Ashton an appreciative smile.

"No problem." Ashton shrugged.

"It's not much of a room, but she can fix it up the way she likes it." Luke shrugged looking around the boring room. The comforter was a plain tan quilt with a matching pillow case. The bedframe was a simple wooden one with a dresser and side table to match. The walls were bare and there was a brown curtain hanging on the one window. It wasn't a small room but it wasn't massive either.

"I think she'll just be glad to have a place to stay." Ashton pointed out.

"I'm gonna make a run to the store real quick. I don't know much about female break ups but I know ice cream and chocolate helps in the movies so do you mind looking after her?" Luke asked.

Ashton chuckled.

"Sure." They walked into the living room just as Jade entered the room.

"That was Claire...Jay's pretty upset." Jade sighed looking down. It was clear she was fighting the tears.

Luke nodded towards Ashton.

"Of course he's upset, Jade, you just broke up with the guy." Luke put his hands on her shoulders.

"Look, Ashton will show you your room so you can get settled okay, I've gotta run out for a minute." Luke let her go and winked at Ashton.

"Okay." Jade nodded.

"Come on." Ashton put an arm around Jade and lead her to her room.

"It's kind of boring but what do you expect from four guys." Ashton joked lightly.

"It's great, thank you." Jade gave a weak smile.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked unsure of what to do. Jade looked up from her seat on the bed with tears in her eyes.

"Why did this have to happen?" Jade asked her voice wavering.

Ashton immediately pulled her into a hug. He knew he needed to be careful but right now she needed him and he was going to be there for her no matter how hard it was for him.

"I'm so sorry. I know it's hard to see it this way but maybe it's for the best, you know? We all saw how hard it was for you to balance a relationship with Jay and a friendship with Liam and Harry. Neither of them made it easy on you. You had to choose one, but you couldn't, so you continued to tear yourself in two for them. Jay finally chose for you this evening. He couldn't stand to only have half of you and you weren't willing to take half away from Liam. He's been a part of your life for a long time, it wouldn't be fair to him if you chose Jay." Ashton spoke in a calm tone as he held her. He could feel her tears soaking his shirt, but he didn't care.

"Thank you." Jade whispered.

"For what?" Ashton asked.

"For making me feel better about my decision. You're right. It wasn't fair." Jade cried.

"Well how about this. Why don't I help you unpack a little. Make this room a little more homey for you. It might help you feel better." Ashton offered as Jade pulled away.

"Okay." Jade nodded.

"Okay where should we start?" Ashton asked looking at the few bags laying on the floor.

"I can put my clothes away if you want to start unpacking this bag here." Jade suggested wiping away a few stray tears and handing Ashton a bag.

"Okay." Ashton set the bag on the bed and opened it. They were picture frames. One of the frames had a picture of Jade and Clarissa. He set the frame on her bedside table. The next frame was of her and Luke. He decided to set that one on her dresser. Next was of her and Liam. She was looking at him in a way that made his stomach knot.

"When was this taken?" Ashton asked holding up the frame.

"Oh, that was about a week before I left for New York. Same with the one of Luke and I." Jade pointed to the picture on the dresser.

Ashton only nodded before pulling out the next frame. In it was a picture of Luke, Liam and Jade. They were all not paying attention to the camera. In fact Ashton was pretty sure none of them were even aware of the camera. It looked like they were demonstrating some type of line dance. Luke was clearly doing it wrong and Jade was laughing about it while Liam looked as if he was trying to explain to Luke how to properly do it. Ashton smiled at the picture. It was clear how good of friends they were.

"That's one of my favorite pictures." Jade smiled standing next to Ashton.

"It's a fun one." Ashton smiled.

"You guys look really young here." Ashton commented.

"It was about five years ago." Jade smiled taking the picture from Ashton. She set the frame on the dresser as well.

"You really like pictures don't you?" Ashton asked pulling out two photo albums.

"I like to keep the memories to look at." Jade shrugged. Ashton smiled. He was a big picture taker as well. He couldn't wait to have a picture of her to add to his pictures. Her smile would definitely be a nice one to look back on. Ashton frowned just then. That wasn't the smartest thing to be thinking. He needed to be thinking of how her smile should not effect him the way it did. He sighed. He hoped she wouldn't stay long. It was hard enough just seeing her everyday but living with her would be the death of him.

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