I don't either

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Jade walked into the bar and spotted the table they usually occupied. She quickly scanned the table to see who all had shown up to this 'celebration'. Luke, Michael, Calum, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Louis. Great Louis was there. But where was Ashton and Liam?

Jade rolled her eyes. She glanced over to Clarissa who looked a bit put off.

"You alright Claire?" Jade asked knowing her friend hadn't wanted to come along.

"I can't believe you drug me here. I hate all of these people." Clarissa whined.

"Please? It's not gonna be bad. I know Nathan doesn't like them, but that's just because of business. Besides Nathan doesn't mind Niall." Jade had hoped Niall would show. She thought Claire and him would be a cute couple.

"Ugh, fine." Clarissa nodded following along.

"So which one is all over you all the time again?" Claire whispered as they neared the table.

"He's not here." Jade whispered back.

"AJ!" Zayn smiled up at Jade.

"Hey guys." Jade smiled avoiding Louis' sneer. Everyone waved as Jade drug Clarissa to a couple open spots before leaning over and planting a kiss on Luke's cheek.

"Hey Clarissa." Luke smiled looking at the redhead next to Jade.

"Hi." Clarissa replied simply.

"So no Jay then?" Luke asked turning to Jade.

"No...he was ummm....not really up for coming out." Jade shrugged.

"He's cheating on you." Jade frowned looking up to see Liam.

"No he's not, Liam." Jade snapped.

Liam walked over and wrapped his arms around Jade from behind.

"Then why didn't he want to come out?" Liam asked resting his chin on her shoulder.

"He doesn't like you." Jade answered honestly.

"Well, I don't like him." Liam pressed his lips to Jade's cheek.

"I'm glad he let you come out." Liam released Jade then.

"This must be Clarissa. It's nice to finally meet you." Liam extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well." Clarissa smiled up at him.

"Where's Ashton?" Jade asked suddenly.

"He's at the bar, talking to some girl." Michael pointed out. Jade looked towards the bar and sure enough he was talking to some blonde girl.

Ashton fiddled with his beer bottle as the girl next to him rambled on and on about all the different types of sea creatures there were.

"And then, there's the nemo fish, and the ones that nemo hangs out with and did you know that fish eat each other?"

Ashton closed his eyes. This was going too far. This all started because there was a starfish on the coaster Ashton was using.

"Hey Andrew come here for a second." Ashton called.

"What's up?" Andrew asked.

"Oh and did you know coral is a living thing?" The blonde didn't seem to notice Ashton wasn't paying attention.

"Do me a favor, I'm going to buy her a drink, but I need you to tell her it was from that guy over there. He's been eyeing her." Ashton pointed to a rather shy looking well dressed guy across the bar.

"Sure thing." Andrew chuckled walking off.

"Here you are ma'me. This is from the gentleman across the bar in the blue polo." Andrew set down a very flashy looking cocktail in front of the girl.

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