Let's talk about this outside

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A/N New update! Enjoy!!!

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just not sleeping well. I just need to get some rest I feel awful." Ashton spoke into the receiver.

"I'm literally on my way home to get some rest." Ashton spoke again.

"I will, love you too. Bye." Ashton hung up the phone and let out a sigh. He hated lying to Alexa. However it was entirely a lie. He did feel awful. He still had a headache left over from last nights drinking. He was supposed to meet Alexa for lunch but he wasn't up for seeing her. Especially after last night. All day all he thought about was Jade and how he had kissed her. He wondered how she would act if he saw her again. That thought hurt. If he saw her again. He couldn't not see her again it hurt too much. Ashton took a deep breath as he pulled into the drive way. His mind was racing and he was basically on auto pilot as he climbed the steps to the house. He opened the door. There was lots of chatter coming from the dining room.

Ashton made his way to where everyone was. As he stepped in the room it suddenly went silent.

"Hey guys." Ashton said as his eyes landed on Jade.

"Uh, hey Ash. We weren't expecting you home." Michael said tossing a glance at Jade before standing up.

"I thought you were meeting Alexa for lunch?" Luke asked tossing Jade a nervous look as well.

"I canceled. Not really feeling up for it ya know." Ashton shrugged.

"You should have called." Michael said again walking over to Ashton.

"Why? It's fine." Ashton shrugged again.

"What are you guys playing?" Ashton asked ignoring the nervous looks everyone was tossing around.

"Texas hold 'em." Calum answered when no one else did.

"Cool. Don't stop on my account. I'll just hang out here." Ashton leaned back against the large cherry wood Credenza.

"Uh, okay. Well it's your turn Liam." Luke said his tone sounding unsure.

Jade fought to keep from looking at Ashton. She felt like he was watching her but every time she gave in and glanced over he was looking elsewhere. She tried to push last nights memory from her mind but it kept trying to replay in her head. She was having a hard time concentrating on the game.

"Gonna grab a drink Ash, take my spot for me for a sec?" Michael asked standing up.

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