'Hey Princess'

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Hey guys, okay so it's almost the end...maybe another chapter or two...not quite sure... anyway hope you enjoy!!!

Clarissa rushed into the house eager to see Luke.

“Hey baby.” Luke grinned. He was waiting just inside the door. Clarissa wrapped her arms around Luke's neck as their lips connected. She had been waiting to see Luke all day. Luke managed to get home a little early to see Clarissa before everyone else got home.

“How was work?” Luke asked pulling back but not letting go of the red head.

“It was tiring. Tom and Siva got into it again and tried dragging Jay into the middle of it again. Poor Jay just tries to be the neutral party and they just won't let him.” Clarissa shrugged.

“Yeah, Jade is still pretty pissed at Ashton and it's starting to show a little bit in the studio. She tries to control it but Ashton is really pushing it lately.” Luke nodded knowing how tension in the studio felt.

“What's he doing now?” Clarissa asked.

“He's just being overly nice trying to make up for the fact that he ditched her for Alexa and then obviously last night's incident.” Luke sighed.

“Oh right. I still can't believe Jade has a twin sister.” Clarissa shook her head.

“That's something she keeps from everyone. I honestly think she forgets she has a family sometimes.” Luke chuckled. Clarissa giggled before placing her lips on Luke's again.

“I could kiss you all the time.” Luke smiled once she pulled away.

“I hate having to keep us a secret.” Clarissa sighed dropping her eyes.

“I know baby, but it's just to be safe. Give it some time, we'll get there.” Luke lifted Clarissa's chin so she was looking at him.

At that moment the front door opened and in walked Michael. Clarissa and Luke leapt apart. Clarissa's cheeks filled with blush while Luke bit his lip ring nervously.

“Umm, hey guys.” Michael said glancing between the two friends.

“Hey Mikey.” Clarissa smiled sheepishly.

“Hey.” Luke nodded.

“Did I interupt something?” Michael asked raising a brow.

“No.” Luke and Claire both answered a little too quickly.

“Okay.” Michael said clearly not believing them.

“I' can get the door myself Ashton.” Jade's voice snapped from behind the closed door. The door opened revealing an aggravated Jade and a sad Ashton.

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