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Ashton felt his pulse quicken. Claire and AJ were standing in front of him.

"H-hey." He stuttered unsure of what to say.

"Ash!" Ashton heard Michael's voice call behind him. He turned to see him and Calum walking towards him.

"Hey guys." Ashton greeted his two band mates.

"You guys must be Michael and Calum?" Claire asked.

"Oh, sorry, this is Michael and this is Calum." Ashton said introducing them.

"This is Claire and...AJ." Ashton hesitated slightly.

"AJ and Claire. Nice to meet you." Calum smiled.

"AJ...and Claire...." Michael repeated thoughtfully.

Ashton held his breath as he noticed the realization cross over Michael's face. Michael tossed a glance at Ashton.

"It's nice to finally meet the two of you." AJ smiled.

"Finally?" Calum asked.

"Jade!" A voice shouted excitedly. Suddenly AJ was being lifted off the ground.

"Luke!" AJ giggled back.

Ashton frowned. Jade?

"Looks like you've already met the rest of the guys." Luke grinned setting down the brunette.

"Just a moment ago." AJ grinned.

"Guys this is her." Luke grinned.

Ashton felt his mouth go dry. Surely this wasn't her. This couldn't be her. Ashton felt Michael's eyes on him before asking.

"You mean this is the Jade you've known years? The one that moved to New York? The one you haven't shut up about in over a month?"

"The very one." Luke pulled AJ into another hug.

"Jade? I thought your name was AJ?" Ashton asked frowning. He couldn't believe it was the same person. All week he'd been watching her and had no idea it was the same person Luke had been wanting them to meet.

"Well my name is actually Alexandrea Jade, but I go by a lot of things. Jade mostly but a ton of people call me AJ." AJ explained.

"So Jade then." Calum nodded.

"It's nice to finally meet you Jade." Michael smiled tossing another glance to Ashton.

Ashton let out a small sigh as he recalled the time Luke told them about her.

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