How did this get so messed up?

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BAM! Another update to make up for the lack there of this past week or so. Anyway hope you enjoy!!!

After a nice dinner at Longhorn everyone decided to go to New Haven for drinks and to relax.

Ashton called Alexa. He knew it would be good to see her and get his mind off of Jade a bit.

"Hey Ash what ya doing over here?" Michael asked as he joined Ashton who was leaning along one of the walls over looking the beach.

"Just trying to distance myself a bit." Ashton shrugged.

"I'm proud of you for answering like you did today. I know it wasn't easy being nice." Michael said.

"I wasn't being nice, I was being honest for once." Ashton said sadly not looking away from the rolling waves in the distance.

"Well I'm proud of you for being honest. You could have been a right ass." Michael shrugged.

"I told Jade I was going to fix this. I just don't know how. She wants answers but how am I supposed to tell her how I feel? I need to not feel this way. But I can't stand her and I not speaking even if we are just arguing it's so much better. It honestly hurts less." Ashton sighed.

"How did this get so messed up?"

"You fell for the wrong girl. It's not like you planned this to happen. You just didn't make it better. But if I didn't do something I'd have made it worse on everybody else. At least this way it's only hard on me."

"You don't think this is hard on Jade?" Michael asked.

"She's not the one trying to get over me." Ashton sighed. Michael only pursed his lips. If only Ashton knew.

"Is that what I am?" A female voice asked from behind Michael and Ashton. They whirled around to find Alexa standing a few feet behind them.

"Alexa." Ashton said surprised.

"Is that all I am? A rebound to get over Jade?" Alexa asked frowning. It was clear the pain on her face.

"No, no of course not." Ashton took a few steps so he was now standing in front of Alexa.

"You don't actually like me do you?" Alexa asked pulling away as Ashton tried to take her hands in his.

"Of course I like you. Why would you think that?" Ashton bit his lip. He felt awful.

"You're in love with Jade." Ashton saw the tears prick Alexa's eyes.

"No, I don't." Ashton shook his head.

"I heard you and Michael talking about it." Alexa sneered.

"Alexa, please it's so complicated. I promise you I do care about you a lot. You're stunningly beautiful. You're talented. You make me laugh. You are amazing all around." Ashton's tone was pleading. He didn't want to lose Alexa. She really was all of those things. And she was so similar to Jade he knew he could really fall for her if Jade wasn't around.

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