The final straw

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And here is the next update. If you felt like leaving a comment to let me know what you think. I'd be very greatful!! Love you guys!!!

Ashton watched as Jade and Jay argued back and forth. He so badly wanted to hear what was being said.

"I can't believe they chose Michael over me!" Liam huffed in irritation.

"I can't believe they chose everyone of you over Jay." Clarissa sighed sadly.

"I can't believe this was written at all." Luke growled closing the magazine and setting it face down. He tossed a concerned glance to the fighting couple a few yards away.

"This isn't going to end well." Luke sighed. Ashton looked over at Luke.

"Why not?" Ashton asked.

"Jade doesn't do well with jealous people. Jay's been pretty jealous lately and I think this is going to cause a big problem." Luke watched as Jade yanked her hand away from Jay. That wasn't a good sign.

Ashton bit his lip as Jade stalked towards the front door. He wasn't sure anyone else noticed. They were too busy discussing the magazine still. He wanted to go after her but decided against it. It wasn't his place. However someone needed to go after her.

"Luke." Ashton said suddenly concerned for Jade.

"I got it." Luke hopped up noticing the brunette hurry away.

Luke dodged the other people in the club trying to catch up to Jade.

"Jade!" He called out.

"Alexandria!" Luke yelled again. He finally spotted her as she was slipping through the entrance door.

"Alexandria Jade!" Luke yelled even louder. She didn't stop though. He quickly scooted around a drunk couple making out and reached the door. He stepped outside into the cool night air.

"Alexandria!" Luke shouted as the brunette hurried down the sidewalk.

Jade stopped walking but didn't turn around.

"Where are you going?" Luke demanded as he hurried to catch up to her.

"You can't just go walking around town at this hour by yourself are you kidding me?" Luke barked. He immediately softened his tone once he reached her side and saw she was crying.

"Jade, babe, what happened?" Luke asked pulling her into his chest. Jade didn't respond she just cried harder.

"Jade, sweetheart, look at me." Luke lifted her chin so she was looking at Luke. It broke his heart to see the tears flowing from her blue eyes.

"He-I-it's over." Jade sobbed.

"What? Why? Over a stupid magazine article?" Luke asked in disbelief. He didn't expect them to break up.

"It was just the final straw. He hates Liam, and Liam hates him and now he's all worried about me and Michael, and I hardly talk to Michael." Jade cried.

"Jade, I'm so sorry." Luke pulled her into his chest again.

"Maybe I can talk to him." Luke offered.

"No." Jade pulled away.

"I- I ended-it." Jade said between sobs.

"You did? Why?" Luke asked shocked.

"I can't keep doing this. He doesn't trust me. He says he does, but he's convinced I'm going to leave him for Liam or now Michael....I-I can't keep doing this, I can't." Jade's tears fell harder now.

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