I know you may never forgive me but I love you so much

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And the next one! It's a bit shorter but It's late and I need to get to bed! Enjoy!

Jade pulled away from Charley as quickly as she could.

“A-Ashton.” Jade said her voice cracking. The look on his face broke her heart. She wanted to say something but nothing would come out.

Ashton got up when Liam did. He had to see what Charley and Jade were up to. Liam walked towards the bathroom while Ashton rounded the corner of the kitchen door. When he did he froze.

He watched as Charley slid his hand around Jad'es waist she was gripping onto the front of his shirt as if her life depended on it. Their lips were connected and Ashton felt his stomach flip. As if sensing his presence Jade glanced towards the door before quickly pulling away from Charley.


Ashton felt like he'd been kicked. How could she do this to him? She knew how he felt. Was she really over him already? Ashton wanted to say something but he was lost for words. He needed to get away from her. He turned and headed for the back door.

“Ashton, wait.” Jade hurried after Ashton.

Jade closed the back door behind her quickly and rushed to catch up to Ashton.

“Ashton, please, wait. Let me explain.” Jade begged.

“I don't want you to explain!” Ashton barked. He was fighting the tears that were reaching his eyes.

“Ashton, I'm sorry.” Jade said sadly.

“No, you're not.” Ashton shook his head.

“I am, I never meant for you to see that.” Jade argued.

“I'm sure you didn't.” Ashton agred.

“Ashton, pleae, there's nothing between Charley and I. We were just trying to get under Liam's skin.” Jade sighed trying to explain to Ashton.

“Yeah, in private in the kitchen.” Ashton scoffed.

“We thought it was Liam coming not you.” Jade sighed.

“Just stop!” Ashton shouted. He'd heard enough.

“Ashton, please, I would never do that to you.” Jade felt awful.

“We're not together, Jade.” Ashton snapped. For some reason those words hurt Jade more than they should have.

“Ashton, I would never do anything to hurt you.” Jade tried again.

“Jade, you don't get it. Every flirty gesture every smile every hug you give another guy hurts me especially when it's Liam or Charley.” Ashton explained.

“Why? You know I'm over Liam and Charley is just a friend.” Jade frowned.

“Charley is just a friend!? Really!? And you'll never be over Liam.” Ashton shook his head.

“Ashton, I dont' know what you want me to say. Charley and I were honestly trying to get Liam to back off a bit.” Jade sighed.

“I don't want to be with Liam. It's not worth it. I refuse to fall for him again.” Jade shook her head.

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