He knew what he had to do

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Hey guys! Thanks to anyone who's reading! Hope you're liking it!!!



The sun pierced through Jade's bedroom window. She sat on the edge of her bed flipping through one of her albums. She hadn't slept well the night before and had been up since six that morning. The sun was finally up and the rest of the house would be soon. Jade checked her phone. It was about seven thirty. She had an hour before she had to get ready to meet Clarissa. They were going apartment hunting. It had been a week since she had moved in with Luke and the rest of the boys. They had been wonderful and so easy to live with. Claire on the other hand was ready to kill herself living with Nathan. The two of them were at each others throats constantly. Especially since she and Niall had really started dating. Jade hadn't talked to Jay since the day after they broke up. Jade sighed as she recalled the awful encounter.


Jade shuffled through her papers looking for the final key progression for Ashton.

"Here it is." Jade smiled pulling a page from her stack and handing it to Ashton.

"Thanks." Ashton smiled. His smile faded to a frown as he looked behind Jade. She turned to see what was causing his change in expression. She took in a sharp breath as she saw Jay standing in the doorway.

"A-Andrea, do you think we could talk for a minute?" Jay asked nervously.

"I'm kind of busy right now. How'd you even know I was here?" Jade asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"Luke." Jay answered sadly.

"Of course." Jade huffed.

"Please, just for a second." Jay pleaded.

"Whatever you need to say you can say in front of Ashton." Jade responded trying to be strong. Truth was she missed him desperately. All she wanted to do was leap into his warm bear like hug and beg him not to let go. But she fought the urge and stood her ground.

"I just want to apologize. I know that the way I reacted wasn't fair to you." Jay bowed his head clearly upset with himself.

"What took you so long to realize that?" Jade asked trying not to give in to his heartbroken stance.

"Nathan made me realize, I shouldn't have reacted that way. No matter how I felt." Jay sighed.

"Nathan, huh?" Jade asked disappointed.

"Look Andrea I'm so sorry." Jay took a step towards her but she tensed causing his to freeze.

"You don't trust me do you?" Jay asked hurt. Jade swallowed hard. It was hard seeing him like that but she couldn't give in. The truth was she didn't trust herself but she could never tell him that.

"You said you shouldn't have reacted that way no matter how you felt right?" Jade asked.

"Yeah." Jay nodded.

"Do you still feel the same way?" Jade asked trying to keep her tone strong. Jay dropped his head again.

"I can't change the way I feel Andrea." Jay responded not looking up.

"Then neither can I." Jade turned and stepped into the studio as she turned off the equipment. She glanced up to see Jay's heart break once again. Their eyes met briefly before Jade tore her gaze away willing the tears not to come.

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