Just forget

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Hey guys okay so this is pretty long but it's necessary. I had a lot to fit in this chapter. Anyway hope you like it. Let me know what you guys think!!!! Love ya!!!


Ashton waited patiently at the table as he looked over the menu. Niall was bringing the girls and Ashton had gotten to the restaurant early in case of a wait. There hadn't been one now he just had time to stew over the fact that Jade and Clarissa were going to be living with them. Ashton left the house shortly before the girls had arrived back home. He wasn't in the mood to deal with telling them the news mostly for the fact that he wouldn't be able to hide his disdain. He hated that this was such an issue. Why couldn't he just not be interested in Jade? Of all the people it had to be her. But he had a plan and he had high hopes for it. He just had to make sure it worked well and didn't backfire.


"Hey Ash." Jade's voice caused Ashton to look up from the menu. His eyes raked over the brunette. She was wearing a plaid skirt that reached mid thigh and a long sleeved gray sweater that said something in french. Her hair was pulled into a french braid and her shoes were simple flats.

"You look nice." Ashton smiled. Jade grinned as she took a seat. Behind Jade had been Niall with Clarissa attached to his arm. Clarissa was wearing a simple black skirt with a red top. Niall had clearly matched her with a red button down. Ashton frowned as he noticed he was matching Jade with a simple gray button down he had borrowed from Luke. Billings was a fairly nice restaurant.

"This place is lovely." Clarissa gushed as she and Niall took their seats.

"I'm so excited about this place." Jade clapped excitedly.

"Thanks for letting me tag along." Niall smiled at Ashton.

"No problem. I figured it'd look better than me taking two girls to dinner." Ashton winked with a laugh.



Jade giggled at Ashton's laugh. It was one of her favorite things about him. His eyes were bright and he seemed to be in a good mood. She recalled earlier that morning when he had come to her door worried. It had been cute. She hadn't told Clarissa but she meant to. She'd have to tell her later, she would think it was adorable.



Clarissa noticed Jade watching Ashton as he and Niall chatted. She was smiling at him. Not that that was a bad thing but Clarissa worried about Ashton. He and Jade had been getting closer and it was becoming a little more obvious that Ashton had feelings for Jade. She suddenly remembered the conversation between Luke and her and Jade. They were going to be living with them. How did Ashton feel about this? Clarissa kicked herself for not considering that earlier.

"So Ashton, are you excited to have another female around to drive you crazy?" Clarissa asked gauging hid reaction. Ashton set his glass of water down and looked up at Clarissa.

Their eyes met and instantly Clarissa saw the pain in them. They weren't as close as others but they had learned to read each other decently. The conversation that was exchanged between just them was brief but nothing more needed to be said.


Ashton dropped his eyes and forced a smile.

"We still out number you."

He kept his eyes on the menu as Jade gushed over how she and Clarissa had decorating plans for the house. Ashton could care less about the decorating or even that there were going to be two females living with them but it had to be Jade. He sighed. He needed stop thinking about that.

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