The damage had been done

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Another one!!!! Whoop!!!



Everyone was at the boat except for Luke and Clarissa. Michael watched the others around him with a small smile. He enjoyed being able to read everyone. It helped him handle situations better. Ashton was perched against one of the dock pillars pretending to be interested in his phone while he was secretly watching Jade chat lightly with Niall and Calum. It wasn't that Ashton was jealous but more nervous. He clearly feared Calum would say something to give away his feelings for Jade. Michael heard laughing just then and turned to see Clarissa doubled over in a fit of laughter she was holding on to Luke's arm to keep her balance. Luke was also laughing.


"There you guys are." Michael smiled as the couple neared the boat.


"Hey guys." Luke smiled.


"Claire, hey babe!" Niall's face lit up at the sight of Clarissa. Clarissa let go of Luke's arm and ran into Niall's. Michael watched as as Luke's smile faded and his hand landed on his arm where Clarissa's had once been as if remembering the feeling. Michael frowned. Surely he was reading too much into it but did Luke maybe like Claire as more than a friend?


"Sorry we're a bit late, got held up by Nathan and Jay." Clarissa smiled lacing her fingers into Niall's.


"They didn't give you too much trouble did they?" Jade asked.


"Nathan was understanding actually. He said it would probably be better for our relationship if he didn't know about mine and Niall's." Clarissa squeezed Niall's hand.


"And...Jay?" Jade asked hesitantly.


"He was just wondering if you and Liam were together yet. I assured him that wasn't happening. He then commented on how close you and Ashton were getting and wondered if you were dating him yet." Clarissa sighed.


"Which I assured him would never happen." Luke smiled placing a kiss on the top of Jade's head.


Michael watched as guilt and pain shot through Ashton's eyes. He also noticed the sympathetic looks from Calum and Clarissa. But it was Jade's expression that caught Michael's attention. The frown on her face. It looked either confused or pained but Michael couldn't quite tell. He was usually great at reading people but this look puzzled him.


"You alright, Jade?" Michael whispered as the others started to board the boat.


"Huh? Oh ummm...yeah, I think so." Jade nodded still frowning.


"You don't seem sure." Michael pointed out. Perhaps she was missing Jay?


"Jay is probably just missing you and trying to make himself feel better." Michael put a hand on her shoulder.


"No, it's not that. I...I expect from him. But-"


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