I hope you're right Michael

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Okay here is the next update! I really hope you guys are enjoying it. I am only continuing because there are still reads....I'd really like some feedback if you would! PLEASSSEEEE!!! Love ya guys!

Jade paced in the kitchen. She hadn't seen Ashton since he broke up with Alexa. The band had been busy with interviews and press meetings for the album. She had just finished moving back in with the help of Liam and Harry. Today was also the day Clarissa got back into town. She had gone with The Wanted on a short trip to the UK for an album meeting as well.

Jade was now waiting nervously for everyone to get home. She had gotten a text from Clarissa about twenty minutes ago stating she was on her way. Two minutes later Luke text her saying they were about twenty five minutes away. Jade had made dinner and was incredibly nervous to see Ashton. She was incredibly pissed at him and was worried she wouldn't be able to hold her tongue if he said something to set her off.

“Alexandriaaaa we're hoooome!” Luke called in a singsong voice.

Ashton bit his lip nervously when the gorgeous brunette came into sight. She looked great. She was wearing a long navy blue dress that was cut slanted from the knee to the ankle. It fit tightly showing off her figure nicely. Ashton felt an elbow in his side. He glanced over to see Calum frowning.

“Don't make it so obvious.” Calum whispered.

“It smells great in here, did you cook dinner?” Calum asked then putting on a large smile as he pulled Jade into a hug.

“yeah, hope you're hungry. It's just lasagna, french bread and salad. Nothing fancy.” Jade shrugged.

“I'm sure it's gonna be amazing.” Michael grinned gripping Jade into a tight embrace.

“Man, I didn't realize how much I missed having you here.” Ashton joked. He wanted to go in for a hug but it was clear she had no intentions of hugging him.

“Well if it wasn't for you I'd never have left.” Jade jeered. Ashton felt like he'd been kicked. She was clearly still upset about that.

“I'm sorry.” Ashton said in a sad tone. Jade didn't respond. Instead she turned her attention to the red head that had just walked in.

“Claire!” Jade ran to Clarissa. The two of them hugged and chatted quietly. Ashton followed the others into the dining room.

Once everyone was sat at the dinner table Michael went into his normal habit of guaging everyone. Calum looked as if he'd been starved for five days. Ashton looked like a scolded puppy who wanted nothing more than a little attention from Jade. Jade chatted away with Clarissa and Luke who kept tossing smirky glances at one another. Michael enjoyed when everyone was together. He only wished Ashton and Jade could get back to a talking point. Ashton did nothing but talk of the ways he planned to make things right with Jade however it seemed as though Jade wanted nothing to do with Ashton. Michael couldn't blame her. After what Ashton had done he would be upset too. He secretley hoped it would help her to get over Ashton.

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