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Hey guys!!! So I updated...obviously. haha Oh and I also updated the cover. I was tired of the other one so now there is a new one! Let me know what you think!!! Thanks guys! Love ya!!!

Ashton closed the door to his room and slid to the floor. He felt all the control he had fall from him and he broke. He felt tears slid down his cheeks. Crying. Something he didn't do often. Jade really brought out the worst in him. The last time he cried was over Savannah. He pushed away from the door angrily as he stood. He paced wiping away the tears. He felt the anger at himself become more prominent as the tears continued to stream. This was ridiculous he didn't need to be crying. He needed air that's what he needed. He put his ear to the door to listen for the others. All he heard was the t.v. He would have to gain his composure one last time and make it to the backyard at least. He took a deep breath and fought to push away the tears. He put on a hoodie and slipped into the hall. Luckily the rooms were dark with only the glow of the movie everyone was watching. He silently walked by and as he reached the door he heard Michael's voice.

"Thought you were going to bed?" Ashton stopped but didn't turn around.

"Decided to get some air first." Ashton's voice wasn't as even as he had hoped it would be.

Nobody said anything else so he opened the door stepping into the cool air. It wasn't quite cold enough for the jacket Ashton had on but he didn't bother to take it off. He pulled out a chair and stared up at the clear sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the stars were bright. Ashton loved the fresh air it helped clear his head. He fought to ignore the feelings that were nagging at him. Just then the door opened interrupting Ashton from his thought clearing process.

"Hey, you seem like you could use some company." Clarissa's voice said unsure. Ashton turned to see the pretty redhead standing uneasily at the back door. Ashton was about to respond with a snarky answer but changed his mind. He didn't have to be an ass towards Claire in fact a little female sympathy might be just what Ashton needed.

"Sure." Ashton nodded. Claire smiled as she joined Ashton.

"It's pretty out here tonight." Claire said after a moments silence. Ashton frowned but responded.

"Yeah it is." He had been expecting her to bring up Jade.

"Are you pissed at me?" Ashton asked after another moment of silence.

"Why would I be pissed at you?" Clarissa asked.

"I've been an ass towards Jade. She's your best friend." Ashton pointed out.

"While both of those are true. I know you're only doing it to protect yourself and you are trying to keep the drama to a minimum. You know what your feelings for her could do to her and Luke's relationship and you are doing everything to keep that from happening. I think you need a little support if anything." Clarissa shrugged. Ashton smiled and looked over at her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Clarissa smiled back. Ashton bit his lip and opened his mouth to say something before closing it again.

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