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Hello, here is the next part! I hope you like it!!! Love you guys!!!

Ashton waved as Harry pulled away. He had been nice enough to drop Ashton off at New Haven. Ashton watched as his brother's car disappeared from sight. He hated seeing Harry leave but he had had a great time visiting with him.

"Hello Ashton, you're here early." Andrew smiled at Ashton as he took a seat at the nearly empty bar. It was only about seven o' clock.

"It's been a long couple of days." Ashton sighed trying to decide on a drink.

"What can I get you today? As I assume you will want something stronger than your typical beer." Andrew asked leaning against the bar.

"Can I get a Boulvardier?" Ashton asked finally deciding on a bourbon based drink.

"Oh man it has been a rough week for you." Andrew noted Ashton's order for such a strong drink.

"Can I ask what Jade did this time?" Andrew asked not looking up from making the drink.

"How'd you guess it was Jade?" Ashton asked solemnly.

"Because I know Jade and I know how you feel about Jade." Andrew smiled sympatheticly as he set down the freshly made drink in front of Ashton.

"Well to answer question Jade and I haven't exactly been getting along lately." Ashton answered vaguely.

"Why not?" Andrew asked resuming his position against the bar's edge.

"Well she's just so flirty and a bit oblivious it drives me crazy. So I'm trying to keep my distance and she isn't cooperating. So I've snapped at her a few times because of her flirtyness and whatnot." Ashton shrugged.

"How's Luke handling that?" Andrew asked raising a brow.

"He says he understands my side. He says Liam went through the same thing with her." Ashton shrugged again. Andrew pondered thoughtfully.

"I tried warning you." Andrew sighed.

"I know. And I tried listening but now she's living with us and Luke just hired her so now she works for us as our producer." Ashton groaned.

"Damn, that sucks." Andrew frowned.

"You're telling me. But look I need your advice on something." Ashton frowned before continuing.

"I need a way to distract myself from her. Have any of the previous guys managed to do that?" Ashton waited hopefully for Andrews answer.

"Usually they just stay away from her. In your case you can't really do that, I'm sorry man but I don't know what to say." Andrew answered giving Ashton a sympathetic shrug.

"Shit." Ashton huffed.

Jade flipped through the channels on the tv not really paying attention to what was on each one. After having gone through the entire channel selection as least twice Michael spoke looking up from his computer.

"You know the channel's are all the same the second and third time through right?"

"I'm sorry." Jade turned the tv off.

"Is everything okay?" Michael asked half knowing the answer already.

"I don't know Michael. I just can't get Ashton out of my head." Jade huffed.

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