Chocolate or mint chocolate chip?

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Here is the next chapter...hope you guys like it....let me know what you think...please?! Love you guys!!!

Jade yelped and jumped back as Liam popped out of her trunk.

"Damn it Liam, what were you doing in there?" Jade laughed as she pushed her friend aside.

"I saw you unloading it and thought I'd have a little fun." Liam winked poking Jade's side playfully.

Jade wiggled away laughing.

"Why don't you help me unload the groceries. So I can get dinner started." Jade said shoving a bag towards Liam.

"Oh no, you're cooking dinner tonight?" Luke's voice spoke up from behind Jade. She glared at him before also shoving a bag in his direction.

"It's better than either of you cooking." Jade teased.

"I'm only kidding, I can't wait for dinner I'm starving." Luke winked and planted a kiss on Jade's cheek.

"Well I'm making stir fry." Jade smiled taking the last of the bags out of the trunk.

"Ooh stir fry." Liam exclaimed excitedly.

The three of them made their way inside and set the bags on the counter.

"So how was class today?" Luke asked as they started unloading the bags.

"It was fine. I can't wait til I'm done with school." Jade sighed. She loved her degree but she was tired of the late night study sessions and her professors weren't exactly the easiest to deal with.

"It'll be worth it one day, don't worry." Liam smiled putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe one day I'll work for you." Luke chuckled.

"I think we'd work well together." Jade smiled.

"Well seeing as how both of you have a music degree I'd say yeah you would." Liam joked.

Jade rolled her eyes as she started dinner.

"Can I help?" Liam asked leaning against the counter.

"Umm, actually if you could chop the meat strips I got into thirds that'd be great!" Jade tossed a grateful smile at Liam.

"What about me, can I help?" Luke asked.

"Nah I've got the rest." Jade replied pulling out the vegetables. She turned to see Luke then throw a chopped piece of meat at Liam's face.

"Hey, you dick." Liam laughed threatening Luke with the knife he was holding.

"Okay you two don't make me separate you." Jade giggled. Turning back to the stove she couldn't help but smile at how amazing her two friends were. She loved them so much and they were so close it was the best thing ever. It made up for the fact that she hated her family. Liz and Karen had been more like mothers to her than her own. She loved Luke and Liam's family and she was so lucky to have them in her life. She looked over at the two boys playing with the raw meat. They were definitely a handful but they were her best friends and nothing could change that.

Jade sighed as she put back the picture of her, Liam and Luke that day in the kitchen. She missed the way things used to be. Before she fell for Liam, before Liam met Sam. Before Luke found out about her feelings, before Shawn, before they got extra protective over her, before she moved to New York.

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