He was just as hurt by those actions

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New update!!!! Enjoy!

Jade sat down at the table with everyone else. She couldn't help shake the guilt she was feeling. She knew she hurt Ashton. He loved her and she turned him away. But how could she ever be with him? Not only would Luke kill her but Ashton had been an ass, how did she know that he wasn't actually like that. And he overreacts just as much as Luke does.

“Jade, you okay?” Luke asked concerned.

“Yeah, it's just been a long day. Arguing with Ashton is exhausting.” Jade shook her head taking a bite of her german chocolate cake.

“But you two got is sorted right?”Luke asked.

“I think so.” Jade nodded.

“Good.” Luke smiled. Clarissa was dying to know what was said and she could tell Calum was as well. Michael obviously knew and Clarissa couldn't wait to ask him.

“So I saw something on twitter today.” Jade spoke up recalling something she'd seen during lunch.

“It was a really super cute picture of you and Clarissa.” Jade looked up at Luke.

“Oh really, what picture was it?” Luke asked trying to hide the mild panic.

“I don't know where it was taken but Clarissa was sitting on your lap. It was weird but it was captioned 'my favorite couple' I didn't look hard enough to tell if it was photoshopped or not but apparently the fans think you two would be cute together. I just thought it was kind of random.” Jade shrugged going for another bite.

“That is really random.” Clarissa chimed in her face etched with worry. Jade didn't seem to notice. Calum frowned at the two as they exchanged nervous glances. Michael only smirked raising a brow. It was obvious they liked each other however now Michael was almost one hundred percent positive that they were dating.

“Well I'm going to bed. Thanks for the cake.” Jade said standing.

“Don't thank me, thank Ashton.” Luke smiled.

“Goodnight, guys.” Jade gave Michael a kiss on the cheek before blowing a kiss to Luke and Calum.

Luke watched as his best friend walked away. He loved having her around however they weren't as close as they once had been. Between Luke and Clarissa's secret relationship and the tension that had been between her and Ashton it was no surprise. He was glad to see she got along so well with Michael and Calum. And hopefully her and Ashton we're on better terms. Luke smiled to himself he was truly lucky and he'd never have to worry about Jade dating any of the guys. Her and Ashton for sure would never date, her and Calum would kill each other and her and Michael were as close as brother and sister. This only made Luke feel slightly guilty about the fact that he was dating her best friend. She'd be pissed if she found out for sure. Luke glanced at the redhead he called his and couldn't help but smile. He knew it was risky but he adored her and he would do anything to see her smile.

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