Out of my limit

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Okay so I know this ending sucks but like I said I'm running out of steam for this story so here it is....Enjoy!!!

It had been two weeks since Jade had agreed to give Ashton a chance and it was officially the night of their first date. Just a simple dinner date was all it was going to be.

“Where are you two off to?” Luke asked as Jade and Ashton headed for the studio door. They both froze they had hoped to escape without Luke noticing.

“We're heading out for dinner, remember I bet him a dinner at my favorite restaurant at hold 'em the other night?” Jade lied.

“I don't think I was there for that.” Luke frowned.

“Oh, well yeah I beat him at hold 'em now he owes me dinner.” Jade shrugged with smile.

“Okay, you two have fun. We'll see you at New Haven?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, we'll be there.” Ashton nodded following Jade out the door.

“That was a great lie.” Ashton grinned as they made their way to his car.

“Thanks, it was the only thing I could come up with.” Jade chuckled. Ashton opened the door for her. He had been a real gentleman for the past two weeks. Nobody had thought it odd. She mentioned it one night and Luke insisted he was always like that. Jade was thrilled to be able to experience a new side of Ashton. It had only made her fall even more in love with him.

“Here we are.” Ashton lead the way into the restaurant. Jade followed saying a small prayer that they didn't run into anyone that they knew.

Luke spun Clarissa in place before dipping her and leaning in for a kiss. Clarissa giggled as Luke pulled her back up.

“Luke, stop, Jade is gonna see us.” Clarissa glanced around the studio nervously.

“She's not here, her and Ashton left a little earlier.” Luke shook his head before placing a peck on Clarissa's lips.

“But that's her phone.” Clarissa frowned pointing to the small black device.

“Oh, yeah it sure is. I'll just text Ashton real quick and let him know I have it.” Luke said opening Jade's phone. He pulled up Ashton's name and stopped.

“Huh.” Luke frowned.

“Apparently they've been texting quite a bit.” Luke scrolled through some of the conversations.

Hey beautiful, I miss you.-A

Aww I miss you too Ash, I'll be home by eight. Still gonna meet at nine thirty?-J

Better make it ten I don't want anyone getting suspicous.-A

I'm pretty sure Michael already knows, but I understand.-J

Goodnight, Love.-J

Goodnight baby, I love you.-A

Morning sunshine!-J

There's no sunshine 'til I see your face.-A

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