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Okay so here is a super short update...Anyway the next chapter will probably be the last...I'm just running out of steam for this story. So enjoy!

The ride to the boat was quiet as Michael wanted desperately to ask Jade what was going on between her and Ashton but Luke was also in the car. Clarissa and Luke were texting each other even though they were sitting next to each other.

“Alright, boat ride here we come.” Michael announced as they arrived at the docks.

Clarissa and Luke hurried out of the car leaving Michael and Jade. Jade was busy smiling down at her phone.

“We're here.” Michael said causing Jade to look up suddenly.

“Oh, sorry I was-.” Jade shrugged holding up her phone.

“What are you so wrapped up in over there?” Michael asked frowning.

“Ashton just text me.” Jade blushed glancing down.

“What's going on between you two anyway?” Michael asked as they got out of the car. Luke and Clarissa were already at the boat.

“I'm not sure. I'm just glad to have him back in my life in a positive way. It's so refreshing not to have to worry about fighting with him all the time.” Jade shrugged.

“Jade, I want you to know that in his mind he thinks he has a chance. Don't lead him on, he's been hurt enough.” Michael said in sad tone as he watched Ashton climb onto the boat.

“I know.” Jade nodded. She recalled having learnt about his fiance and it made Jade fell guilty. She had been the first person he loved since her and now she was breaking his heart over and over again. He didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve him.

Ashton watched with curious eyes and Michael and Jade chatted. Jade's expression changed suddenly as if Michael had said something to upset her. She stopped walking and dropped her head. Ashton felt himself frown. He hated seeing her upset. He wanted to ask Michael what he had said but decided now wasn't the time.

As Jade stepped on the boat Ashton grabbed her hand.

“Here.” Ashton lead her down the steps. He released her when she was steady on her own two feet.

“Thanks.” Jade gave a half smile. Ashton bit his lip worriedly. Had his text made her uncomfortable? All he had said was 'You look gorgeous today.'

“Hey Ash, be careful.” Michael's voice whispered behind him.

“Huh? With what?” Ashton asked whirling around to face his friend.

Michael nodded his head. Ashton turned to see who he was nodding at only to see the brunette he so deeply cared for.

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