Oh how I wish that was me

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Here's the next part. Hope you guys like it. Love ya!

Liam looked over the page of the notebook.

"Okay, so we start on G chord." Liam strummed Ashton's accoustic Ibanez.

"Are you sure we can pull this off?" Ashton asked shifting nervously.

"Sure, just follow the chord progression you wrote up. It'll be a piece of cake. You really did a great job on the song. They'll love it." Liam smiled as he strummed through the next few chords. Ashton bit his lip.

"Alright, I think I've got it down. Now you wanna run over the chorus real quick to make sure we've got it down. I know we sang through it the other day but it can't hurt." Liam set the guitar down.

"Sure." Ashton nodded before clearing his throat.

Jade waited excitedly for Liam and Ashton to return. She was glad she had them to help distract her. She needed a good distraction. Just then the front door opened and in walked Michael and Calum.

"Hey guys, just in time." Jade smiled.

"Hey, in time for what?" Calum asked.

"Liam and Ashton are gonna perform the song they wrote together."Luke explained.

"Which one?" Michael asked frowning.

"I didn't know they were working on more than one." Calum frowned.

"Oh well I just didn't know if they had finished the one they were working on the other day." Michael pursed his lips. Surely it wasn't the same song. Ashton swore he'd never sing it and didn't even want Jade to know he had a part in it.

"Oh hey guys." Liam grinned reappearing in the room holding Ashton's guitar.

"Hey, heard you guys were gonna sing for us." Calum raised a brow.

"Yep." Liam nodded. Ashton followed behind silently holding his cajon drum.

Michael took notice of Ashton's discomfort. It was clear he was less than thrilled about the performance.

"Alright, Ash you good?" Liam asked sitting on the ottoman he pulled into the middle of the room next to Ashton who was seated on his drum. Ashton only nodded. Liam started into the song on the guitar.

Ashton closed his eyes and concentrated on the music. He started on the drum matching the rhythm.

Ashton took one last deep breath before he started into the lyrics.

"He takes your hand, I die a little. I watch your eyes, And I'm in riddles Why can't you look at me like that?" His voice rang out effortlessly. Then it was Liam's turn.

"When you walk by, I try to say it, But then I freeze And never do it. My tongue gets tied, The words get trapped."

Ashton swallowed trying to avoid looking at Jade at any point. It was his turn again and he could feel Michael's concerned stare.

"I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I'm near you." Liam joined this time.

"But I see you with him slow dancing tearing me apart 'cause you don't see whenever you kiss him I'm breaking."

"Oh how I wish that was me." Ashton sang his angelic voice carrying the note.

"He looks at you the way that I would, does all the things, I know, that I could If only time could just turn back." 'Cause I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you." Liam was staring right at Jade. Ashton could feel his stomach knot. He took another breath as he joined Liam for the chorus.

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