He couldn't let that happen

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 Hello here is the next chapter. Hope you like it....It's kinda short again but I hope you like it anyway!

Jade watched the tv blankly. The movie she and Michael had put on wasn't keeping her attention. Her mind kept wandering to the conversation back at New Haven. What would have happened if Luke told her? Would she be with Liam right now? Would she have stayed with Jay? She really wasn't sure. Knowing what she knew now it was hard to say. She thought back to all the crap Liam gave her for dating Jay and it all started making sense. The night she had told him on the phone he blew up. Now she knew why. Jade took a deep breath which caught Michael's attention.

"Are you okay, Jade?" Michael ran a hand through her dark hair as he spoke.

"I'm just so confused. I hate this." She had her head on Michael's lap.

"What are you confused about?" Michael asked. Jade turned so she was looking up at Michael instead of at the tv.

"I don't know how I feel. Am I hurt? Am I jealous? Am I angry?" Jade sighed. Just then her phone buzzed. She checked to see it was a text from Claire.

Staying with Niall tonight so don't worry about me.

Jade sent back a simple, 'have fun' before turning back to Michael.

"Do you think Ashton really has feelings for Claire?"

"I don't think so, I think she's just compassionate and Ashton needs that right now." Michael shrugged.

"I can be compassionate." Jade sighed.

"Yes, but he and Claire have a very different relationship than you two. Plus she's dating Niall so I think he feels more comfortable with her because he doesn't have to worry about a new boyfriend of hers." Michael pointed out.

"I should get a boyfriend." Jade thought out loud.

"I'm not sure that's going to help matters." Michael said suddenly concerned. He knew if Jade got another boyfriend Ashton would flip.

"I know but I don't think anything I do will help."Jade bit her lip. Michael ran a his fingers through her hair again. The two of them didn't say anything else. At that moment the door opened causing Jade to bolt upright from Michael's lap.

Ashton pushed open the door with a large grin on his face. He had spent the last two hours talking with Jane and it had been refreshing. He stepped in the door to see Jade bolt up from Michael's lap. The grin faded from Ashton's face as Jade fought to fix her hair. Why was she fixing her hair and why did they both look guilty?

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