A lot

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Here you go guys! Enjoy! It's kind of short. But the next one will be longer I promise!!!

Jade wiped away the last of the tears as Liam tried again to get her to talk to him.

"I told you, Liam, not now." She was beyond pissed at him and she didn't trust herself not to flip on him.

"I know you're mad, but Shawn is-"

"For fucks sake Liam!" Jade yelled.

Luke and Ashton looked over suddenly, startled by Jade's out burst.

"Can't you just stop?! All you seem to do lately is piss me off. Why can't you just leave well enough alone?" Jade stood to leave when Liam caught her arm.

"Because." Liam bit his lip as if contemplating his words.

"Because what? Do you enjoy seeing my miserable? Do you enjoy hurting me?" Jade had had enough of Liam.

"N-no, not at all." Liam shook his head sadly.

"Then what?" Jade asked in frustration.

"Jade I-I-" Liam suddenly felt a hand on his arm.

"Don't." Luke's tone was warning. Liam sighed releasing Jade.

"Are we done?" Jade asked wiping away fresh tears.

Liam only nodded. Jade turned and headed towards the exit. Ashton hurried after her.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asked catching up to Jade.

"I'm gonna take a cab home." Jade sniffled.

"Not a chance. I'll text Luke and make sure he gets Clarissa home. I'm taking you." Ashton didn't give Jade a choice and she didn't argue. She could use the company and Ashton was always good company.

Luke let go of Liam's arm.

"What are doing?" Luke's voice was calm but frustrated.

"She has to know." Liam sighed.

"You really think that's what she wants to hear right now? That after seven years of friendship you think you're in love with her? She just ran into her ex and she has a boyfriend. I don't think she needs to hear that." Luke sighed.

"When?" Liam asked almost desperately.

"Wait, what?" Clarissa asked. Luke froze. He forgot that she was sitting at the table.

"Shit." Luke huffed. Liam bowed his head as if in embarrassment.

"I know it's stupid. She could never love me. I just see the way she looks at Jay and I want her to look at me that way." Liam spoke sadly.

Clarissa's jaw dropped. Luke rolled his eyes. Sometimes he didn't understand Liam and this was one of those times. Jade looked at Liam like that for three years and he didn't even notice her.

"Liam, you can't do this to her." Clarissa said suddenly standing up.

"She doesn't deserve to know that. Why did it have to take you so long to realize? She's happy with Jay can't you just be happy for her?" Clarissa was clearly pissed.

"I know, I'm an idiot. I realized that I loved her shortly after she moved New York. I was going to tell her but I didn't have the guts. Then she told me she was dating Jay and-"

"And you gave her the lecture about dating random guys. I remember that phone call. She cried for over an hour because of that call." Clarissa cut in. She saw the pain in Liam's eyes. Good. He deserved it.

Luke sighed before touching Clarissa's arm.

"I just got a text from Ashton, he's taking Jade home. So you're stuck with me tonight." Luke said in an almost joking tone. He was trying to lighten up the mood.

"Okay." Clarissa nodded.

"Well I'm not quite ready so, If you'll excuse me I'm going to get another drink. And Liam so help me if you hurt her-" Clarissa spoke warningly.

"I won't." Liam interrupted.

"You already have, I don't recommend doing it again." Clarissa snapped before turning to the bar.

"Look Liam, you need to go home and get some rest. Harry told me you've hardly slept since she's been back in town. Perhaps a little distance will be good for you two. Give her some time." Luke encouraged.

Liam sighed.

"When did things get so complicated?" Liam asked with a furrowed brow.

"When Samantha started dating Zack." Luke answered honestly. He felt bad for bringing Samantha back up but it was the truth.

Liam looked at Luke in shock.

"I'm sorry man but it's true. Go home get some sleep." Luke said again.

Liam only nodded.

Luke decided to join Clarissa as the bar. He needed a drink after that ordeal. He literally came here to unwind from a writers block he got in the studio earlier that day but instead he ran into Liam and Jade trouble. He was just thankful Ashton had been there. He trusted Ashton with anything and Jade was his everything.

"Mind if I join you?" Luke asked as he approached Clarissa.

"Sure." Clarissa shrugged.

"Thanks for helping out back there. I think you did more to convince him in one paragraph than I have in a week." Luke chuckled.

"You've known that long?" Clarissa asked.

"Yeah." Luke nodded.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Jade's happy. She spent years trying to get over Liam, I didn't want to put it in her head that he may have feelings for her. If it fell through she'd have been the one that got hurt. I wasn't' willing to risk that." Luke sighed looking down at the drink that Andrew had just sat in front of him.

"You know, I was wrong about you." Clarissa said looking at Luke with a small smile.

"How so?" Luke asked curiously.

"I thought you were a controlling asshole." Clarissa explained honestly.

"Uh, wow, okay." Luke chuckled.

"I guess that's fair, seeing as how I acted like a controlling asshole the first time we met." Luke nodded.

"Yeah, you did, but now I see you genuinely love Jade and it was just a reaction. I know she would be thankful for not letting Liam tell her. It would ruin her." Clarissa smiled at Luke.

"Yeah, I can't let that happen." Luke took a swig of his drink allowing the burning liquid to slide down his throat.

"She's lucky to have someone like you." Clarissa said thoughtfully.

"You have Nathan." Luke pointed out.

"He's just a brother that's all." Clarissa shrugged.

"Well, you have me as well you know. If you'll allow it." Luke eyed Clarissa carefully gauging her reaction.

Clarissa just smiled.

"I mean it." Luke put an arm around Clarissa's shoulder.

"Besides, Ashton told me he already claimed you. He said he considers you a close friend as he does with Jade now. So like it or not you're stuck with him and Calum, Michael and myself come with. It's a package deal. Hate to break it to you." Luke winked.

Clarissa couldn't help but smile.

"I guess I'll just have to manage." Clarissa joked.

Luke smiled looking back down at his drink. He was really starting to like Clarissa. A lot.

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