Truth was he hated her but she loved him

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Hello lovilies! New update. It's super long! Things are about to happen!!! Anyway, enjoy!!!

Ashton took a couple steps backwards. Michael saw the pain on Ashton's face. Michael wanted to be there for Ashton but Jade was currently clinging to him for dear life.

"Jade, baby, why don't you head to the car I'll be there in a minute okay?" Michael asked releasing Jade. She only nodded.

"Ashton." Michael turned to the stiff boy beside him.

"I did it." Ashton said his voice barely above a whisper.

"I made her hate me."

"Oh, Ash." Claire went to take a step towards him.

"Don't." Ashton pulled back.

"That's a good thing." Ashton fought to pull himself together.

"Ash, how is that a good thing?" Michael asked.

"I don't need her." Ashton shrugged simply. His face was now emotionless. There was no sign of the pain that had once been there.

"Ashton." Michael frowned putting a hand on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton turned giving Michael a large dimpled grin.

"I'm perfectly fine." Ashton turned then and made his way to the table before Clarissa and Michael could say anything.

"Is she okay?" Luke asked.

"She's not really up for talking right now." Ashton shrugged.

"No, she's not up for talking to you." Michael spat at Ashton.

"I'm gonna take her home. See if I can calm her down a bit." Michael said turning his attention back to Luke.

"Where is she?" Luke asked.

"I sent her to the car." Michael answered.

"I'll take her." Luke stood. Michael shifted in place clearly trying to come up with a reason he should go instead.

"I think Michael wants to go." Ashton stated simply tossing a distrustful glare at his friend. Luke frowned and looked at Michael.

"It's fine. You go." Michael shook his head. He didn't know how to tell Luke Jade was upset because of her feelings for Ashton. Luke only nodded before hurrying off after him.

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