You had no right

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Hey guys, here is an update. It's kind of a smaller one. But the next one should be a bit longer. Enjoy! Love ya guys!

The look on Ashton's face worried Michael. What was he so pissed about?

"Are you fucking kidding me Jade?!" Ashton blew up as soon as he reached the table.

"Why the hell would you bring that up?!"

"Oh come on, you can be an ass but I can't bring up a sensitive topic?" Jade snapped. She knew he was going to react this way and she wasn't going to be pushed around by him not this time.

"You had no right! What were you hoping to accomplish there?!" Ashton demanded.

"I was only doing to you what you would have done to me!" Jade barked. Why was he this pissed off?

"There is a big difference between my reasoning and yours!" Ashton snapped.

"I don't doubt that." Jade snarked more under her breath.

"What the hell does that mean?!" Ashton snapped.

"I wasn't doing it to be an ass. Besides it's not like you were going to pursue her, you aren't dating right now remember?" Jade snapped.

"Excuse me? How do you know I wouldn't pursue her?" Ashton asked really irritated by her last remark.

"Because you said yourself you don't want to date and besides she's not Claire." Jade huffed.

"Not Claire? What does that even mean?" Ashton asked now just as confused as he was irritated.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious Ashton! You are all over her! You just need to remember she's got a boyfriend and it isn't you!" Jade stood up and was about to walk away when Ashton grabbed her arm.

"Wait! Are you being serious right now?" Ashton asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm being serious." Jade answered pulling away from Ashton.

"I told you already I don't like her like that! Just because her and I get along doesn't mean I'm interested in her!" Ashton yelled.

"Oh okay, I believe you." Jade said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"If I was interested in Claire would I have this?" Ashton barked holding up the card Jane had given him. Jade took the card and read it over.

"She gave you her business card?" Jade asked unimpressed.

"Look on the back." Ashton snapped. Jade flipped the card to see a number written on it with a small heart scribbled next to it. Jade felt her heart drop.

"You aren't going to call her." Jade tried to keep up her attitude but she just wanted to cry.

"I am actually. She's a great girl and I'd like to get to know her better." Ashton's voice had dropped a bit in tone and he seemed to be genuine. Jade bit her lip.

"Well, then my comment didn't make much of a difference did it?" Jade shrugged holding back tears. She was fighting to keep her tone even but it wasn't working so well.

"It doesn't matter if it did or not. How would you like it if I interrupted your conversation with a guy and dropped the fact that you had an abusive ex?" Ashton growled.

"Don't act like you wouldn't." Jade's voice wavered. she needed to get away from him. Sensing Jade's despair Michael piped in then.

"Jade, why don't you and I take a walk. Ashton you stay here and cool off with Calum." Michael stood making his way to Jade. Jade only nodded knowing if she said anything else she's lose it.

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