But they knew better

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Ashton threw himself on his bed face down. He needed to be alone. This would be good for him. Play up the sick card. Get him out of seeing Jade for a few days, help him clear his head. He needed to think of a way to get over her? Especially before it got too far.

Come on Ashton what are you doing? This is Luke's best friend/sister/ex girlfriend. Why are you even thinking of her that way? You should consider her a sister just like Luke, Michael and Calum do and just like Luke expects you too.

Ashton thought to himself.

But she is gorgeous, and adorable, and sweet, and funny, and talented, and-enough!

Ashton pulled a pillow over his head trying to block out his thoughts. He needed to clear his head not argue with himself in his head.

Ashton felt his phone buzz in his pocket but decided to ignore it. Whoever it was could wait. Knowing his luck it was probably Jade.

He rolled over and closed his eyes. He concentrated on his breathing trying to block out any and all thoughts pertaining to Jade.

Ashton then heard the front door open and heard people talking. What time was it? Was everyone back already? Had he dozed off and not realized it? Ashton pulled his phone out to see it had only been about ten minutes. He also noticed a text from Michael.

Just a heads up you're gonna have company. I tried to get them to leave you alone but to no avail. Sorry bro.-M

Ashton frowned. He went to the hallway and froze.

"Oh hey Ash, we weren't sure if you'd already be asleep." Luke was in the freezer pulling out an icepack.

Jade gave Ashton a sad smile before walking towards him.

"Luke said you weren't feeling well and that you had an awful headache." Jade pressed her two fingers to Ashton's wrist.

Ashton didn't move.

"You're slightly dehydrated. Your pulse is weak. Probably because of the alcohol. Go lay down in bed and I'll be right there." Jade smiled before turning to the kitchen.

Ashton frowned. What the hell was going on.

"I'm confused, what's happening?"

"Jade has a really good cure for headaches. Takes the pressure away almost completely." Luke explained.

"Just go lay down and she'll be in in a minute." Luke waved his hand for Ashton to leave.

Jade pulled out a glass and filled it with ice water.

"Luke could you get me a towel to wrap around this ice pack please?" Jade asked. Luke nodded and disappeared down the hall.

"You aren't gonna leave me here with Luke are you?" Clarissa asked.

"You didn't have to come." Jade pointed out.

"I wasn't going to let you leave me there." Clarissa huffed.

"Why not you and Niall seemed to be getting along quite well." Jade winked.

"Don't do that." Clarissa glared at her friend.

"What? You gave him your number." Jade replied with a smile.

"Only cause I didn't want to turn him down in front of everybody. How embarrassing." Clarissa scoffed.

"What's wrong with Niall?" Jade asked as if offended.

"Nathan would kill me." Clarissa said folding her arms.

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