Why her?

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Michael watched as Jade and Ashton talked. Michael could see how fond Ashton was of Jade. He loved seeing Ashton like this but hated it had to be with Jade. It had been a while since he had shown such genuine interest in a girl. Course Michael knew the reason Ashton wasn't as interested in dating which made this even harder for Michael to witness.

Suddenly Liam was behind Jade. Michael watched as he pulled her away from the bar and toward the stairs that lead down to the beach front. He couldn't help but notice the disappointment in Ashton's eyes. Michael stood making his way to Ashton.

Ashton watched as Liam drug Jade away. God he hated that guy. Why was he jealous of him it's not like they were dating. Oh right cause Jade had just practically admitted to him that she still had feelings for Liam. Ashton sighed. This wasn't good. Michael was definitely going to give him hell about this.

"Hey Ash."

Speak of the devil. Ashton turned to see Michael take a seat in the previous stool Jade had been on.

"Hey Mikey." Ashton gave a half smile.

"You alright?" Michael asked knowing the answer already.

"Yeah." Ashton lied.

"You know, I wish there was something I could do." Michael spoke not looking at Ashton.

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked frowning.

"Like to help you get over her." Michael explained.

Ashton just hung his head.

"Michael, I-"

Michael cut in.

"Ashton, I see the way you look at her and I know you can't help it. Especially when she seeks you out. You separated yourself from the table and she found you. She's a sweetheart. She's gorgeous. She's funny. She's easy going. But she's dangerous. And I hate of all the people you had to finally fall for it had to be her." Michael's tone wasn't accusing or mean.

Ashton let out a breathy sigh.

"I don't get it. Why do I have to like her? Of all the people, why her?" Ashton's tone was defeated.

"I would say go for Clarissa instead but her and Niall have seemed to hit it off pretty good." Michael shrugged.

"I don't want to go for anyone." Ashton groaned putting his head in his hands.

"Hey what's wrong Ash?" Luke's voice asked suddenly causing Ashton to tense.

"He's got a bad headache." Michael spoke for Ashton.

"You've been feeling unwell for a few days Ash, maybe you should go home and spend a few days getting better." Luke suggested.

Ashton sat up.

"That's a great idea Luke." Ashton nodded. This would be a perfect way to get away from Jade for a little while. Clear his head.

Jade made her way up the steps with Liam's arm around her shoulders still. She hated how he made her feel. It wasn't fair. Jade saw Michael and Luke walking towards her from the bar.

"Hey, have a nice walk?" Luke asked obviously knowing how Jade was feeling.

"Of course." Liam nodded.

Jade didn't respond.

"You alright Michael? You look upset?" Jade asked noticing the scowl Michael was wearing.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah just worried about Ashton." Michael nodded.

"What's wrong with Ashton?" Jade asked peering over to see he was no longer sitting at the bar.

"He's not been feeling well for the past few days. I sent him home to get some rest. He was complaining about a bad headache." Luke explained.

Jade saw the opportunity and jumped.

"I have a perfect cure for headaches' why don't I go check on him." Jade offered.

Luke sighed knowing she was only wanting to get away from Liam. Whatever they had talked about on their walk had bothered her. He'd have to ask Liam about it another time.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here, babe?" Liam asked frowning.

"Liam, don't you remember what it's like to have a headache you can't get rid of?" Jade asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Are you going to do that thing to him that you used to do for me?" Luke asked remembering she really was the best a curing a headache.

"Oh man that worked great!" Liam agreed.

Michael fought to come up with a reason for her to stay.

"You know he's probably just going to sleep it off." Michael knew that was a weak argument but he couldn't come up with anything else.

"He won't need to sleep it off if Jade helps him." Luke said.

"What about Clarissa?" Michael asked grasping for something.

"I'll drag her with me. Her and Luke could use a little bonding time." Jade smiled turning to Luke who fidgeted nervously.

"Come on, it'll be fine."Jade grabbed Luke's hand and drug him to the table.

"Hey, Claire, I don't mean to interrupt but Luke and I are going to go check on Ashton, he went home cause he's not feeling well. You coming?" Jade smiled glancing between Niall and Clarissa.

"Oh, umm sure!" Clarissa nodded standing up.

"Wait!" Niall grabbed her arm.

"Could I maybe get your number? I'd love to take you to that Chinese restaurant I was telling you about." Niall looked down at his feet shyly.

"Sure." Clarissa grinned.

Niall's face lit up as he handed over his phone. Clarissa typed in her number and handed the phone back.

"It was nice seeing all of you." Clarissa waved before following Jade and Luke away from the table.

Michael watched as they disappeared out of sight. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent Ashton a text. The least he could do was warn him company was coming.


Ok so this is the last chap for about a week. I'm going to TX and won't be able to update it. But I promise to update as soon as I can when I get back!!!! Love ya guys!

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