Samantha and Jack

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        Hello lovelies! Here is an update. It's a bit longer so I hope you like it!!!! Let me know what you think please??

Jade closed the door to the studio when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and whirled around to see Luke standing behind her.

"Make some noise next time, Hemmings." Jade snapped before turning back to lock the studio door.

"Sorry." Luke apologized.

"I was hoping we could talk now." Luke shifted his weight waiting for her to answer. Jade hesitated but finally turned around.

"Fine. You can ride back to the house with me." Jade answered simply.

"We're not going home you and I are going to dinner then we're meeting everyone else at New Haven." Luke answered. Jade sighed but didn't argue.

"Where to for dinner then?" Jade asked getting in the drivers side of her car.

Ashton took a deep breath as he pushed open one of the heavy glass doors before him. He stepped into a large lobby with photographs all over the walls. He made his way to a large rounded desk in the middle of the lobby. The lady behind it was speaking to a very tall blonde near one of the long hallways that lead from either side of the desk. He shifted a bit and cleared his throat.

"I'll make sure it's taken care of thank you Cara." The short haired brunette turned her attention to Ashton.

"I'm sorry. How may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Jade, ermm rather Jane Vice." Ashton shook his head correcting his mistake.

"Is she expecting you?" The lady asked.

"Umm, sort of. She and I spoke last night. My name is Ashton Irwin." Ashton answered.

"Ahh, yes she has you scheduled for a consult at twelve thirty." The lady winked. Ashton frowned not sure what a consult was or what the wink meant.

"I'll let her know you're here, just one second." The lady picked up a receiver and dialed a couple numbers before speaking into it.

"Mrs. Vice, Mr. Irwin is here to see you. Should I send for the car?" Ashton frowned. What car?

"Alright, I'll have Stacey bring him back." The lady hung up the phone and waved a shorter blonde over.

"Stacey, this is Ashton Irwin. Mrs. Vice's guest of honor for the day would you show him to her office. She's expecting him."

"Of course, right this way." The blond flashed a flirty smile as she lead Ashton down one of the long hallways.

"Alexa rarely has guests unless they are from other modeling companies. You don't look to be from a modeling company." Stacey observed tossing him a sideways glance. Ashton suddenly felt very self conscious in the black jeans and and plain black shirt. He also had a red bandana around her head.

"I'm a friend of hers." Was all Ashton said.

"I see." Stacey nodded with a small smile.

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