You replaced Jade with Jane?

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while...I've been super busy. Anyway, here is a short update until I can give you guys a proper one. Enjoy!

Michael waited for Ashton to wake up. He needed to talk to him alone but it was already nine-thirty. Claire said she'd be home by ten-thirty. Jade, Calum and Luke had hit the studio. Luckily Michael and Ashton weren't needed today. Michael paced the living room and kitchen hoping Ashton would just wake up. He didn't want to wake him because he knew Ashton had drank way too much the night before.

Luke walked into the studio and saw Jade talking with Gage.

"Hey." Luke said in a quiet tone.

"Morning, Luke." Gage greeted the blonde. Jade looked up but said nothing. Her eyes said she was hurt but she didn't say a word.

"You'll be doing some recording with Jade while I go over lyrics with Calum." Gage explained.

Luke only nodded as he slipped out the door to meet Calum.

"Hey, Jade before we-"

"Okay, so yesterday went well with Michael so I think we'll be able to get at least the chorus down. We'll work on the other riffs later." Jade cut in looking down at her paperwork.

"Jade, please, can we-"

"Let's get this done please, we'll discuss whatever later right now this takes priority." Jade snapped again.

Luke sighed and went into the sound room without any further arguments.

"Hey, Michael." Ashton groaned appearing in the kitchen. Michael whirled around.

"Ashton, about damn time." Michael snapped.

"What?" Ashton asked frowning at the crazy haired guy in front of him.

"When did you change your hair color to green?" Ashton asked.

"What? It's been green for two weeks." Michael frowned.

"Hmmm." Ashton pondered for a moment before shrugging.

"Are still drunk?" Michael asked unsure.

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