Are you busy later?

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Here is the next part, Hope you guys like it!!! Love ya!

Ashton made his way into the studio slightly nervous. He didn't want to do this. Not after last night especially. He slept like crap and he kept having the same dream. He kissed Jade and Luke walked in. Luke got pissed and Jade told Ashton she never wanted to see him again. He had the same dream three times. He was exhausted from the lack of sleep.

"Hey Ash!" Jade's voice caused him to jump. He whirled around from closing the studio door.

"H-hey Jade." Ashton gave a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" Jade asked looking concerned.

"Better, thank you." Ashton dropped his gaze slightly.

"Hello, Ashton." Ashton looked up to see Clarissa was also there.

"Oh uh, Hi." Ashton nodded towards the redhead.

"Are you ready to go over this?" Jade asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Ashton nodded following her and Clarissa into the writing room.

They took their seats around a small round wooden table.

"Okay, here is a few things I wanted to go over. " Jade pulled out a notebook handing it over.

Jay paced nervously. He wanted to text Jade but knew she was working. Today was the day her and Ashton were going over the song. He set the flowers he had bought on the table with a small card. It wasn't much but he knew how she loved flowers. He just hoped it would help whatever gap was forming between them. The last thing he wanted to do was lose her.

Liam debated on swinging by the studio to see Jade. He knew she was at the 5sos studio. Luke had told him she and Ashton were going to be working on a song there today. He wanted to see if she'd taken into consideration breaking up with Jay. He was hoping she would listen to him. He doubted it would work. It was clear to see how much Jay cared for Jade and he did treat her well. It just hurt Liam, though he'd never admit it. He'd just prefer if she was single, for now anyway. Liam sighed and settled on a text.

Jade felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out to see a text from Liam.

Hey, I'm sitting her thinking about how much I miss you. What are you doing tonight?

She felt herself freeze.

"Ashton, are you busy later?" Jade asked suddenly interrupting his and Clarissa's conversation.

"Umm, what?" Ashton asked confused.

"Are you busy later? Liam is asking me if I am and I want to be. Can I rope you into dinner tonight please?" Jade practically begged.

"Why don't you just tell him you have plans with Jay?" Ashton asked.

"I can't, Jay's got plans with the guys tonight. I'll pay for dinner and even drinks after, please I need to be busy tonight!" Jade begged again.

Ashton tossed a glance towards Clarissa.

"What about Clarissa?" Ashton asked again trying to get out of it. He could not go to dinner with Jade.

"I can't, I promised an old friend of mine I'd swing by her dance studio later tonight." Clarissa shrugged sympathetically.

"Okay, umm, if you're sure Jay won't behead me and Luke won't kill me." Ashton agreed biting his lip.

"I promise!" Jade grinned.

"Okay, then sure, dinner sounds great. But you aren't paying." Ashton sighed.

"Yay! Thank you so much!" Jade clapped excitedly before responding.

Dinner with Ashton actually. Why what's up?

Liam sighed. She was always busy with somebody it seemed.

Can I steal you after?

Liam tried again.

We're going for drinks after everything okay?

Liam sighed. He knew he needed to listen to Luke but he so badly needed to talk to her.

Are you gonna go to New Haven after?

Liam hoped she would be.

Jade bit her lip nervously as she read Liam's text. He just wasn't giving up.

"He's asking me if I'm going to New Haven afterward." Jade groaned.

"Look, he's not going to give it up. Why don't you just go and make sure Ashton stays with you. That way you aren't alone with Liam at any point." Clarissa suggested.

"Why don't you want to be around Liam?" Ashton asked frowning.

Jade hung her head. And Clarissa eyed her brunette friend carefully.

"It's not fair to Jay." Jade responded in a hushed tone.

"Why not?" Ashton asked not clear on what she meant.

"When I'm around Liam, I feel like I used to about him. When I'm not around him I don't even remember how I used to feel about him. Only two people can take my mind off of Liam..." Jade's voice trailed off.

"Who?" Clarissa asked curiously.

"Jay and...." Jade frowned a bit.

"And...?" Clarissa urged Jade to continue.

"You." Jade responded looking at Ashton. Ashton felt his stomach flip.

"Me?" Ashton frowned. Why him?

"The other night, when we were talking....I forgot all about my problems with him. It was nice to forget. You're really easy to talk to." Jade smiled. Ashton felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach. He didn't need to hear this.

"Do you still love him?" Clarissa asked unable to help herself. She desperately wanted to know.

"I-I don't know." Jade hung her head ashamed.

"I don't want to. And I do love Jay so...." Jade sighed. She didn't have the words to explain what she was trying to say.

"I don't think you do." Ashton spoke up then.

Jade frowned looking up at him. Clarissa also looked at him questioningly.

"You used to have feelings for him but you got over him. You met Jay. Then Liam comes back into your life and everyone expects you to fall for him again, including yourself. And I think on some level you will always love him but it doesn't mean you're in love with him. You just think you are because it's natural for you and has been for what? Three years? I don't think you would choose Liam over Jay if given the chance. Would you?" Ashton asked. He hated himself for what he was saying but he wanted to be honest with her.

Jade frowned pondering Ashton's words.

"No, I would never choose Liam over Jay." Jade shook her head. Ashton was right. She was just used to loving Liam. It didn't mean she necessarily did.

"So you see. You just need to trust yourself." Ashton shrugged. He hated being the voice of reason but was glad to know she didn't have feelings for Liam. If only she didn't have feelings for Jay as well.

Clarissa eyed Ashton carefully as he spoke. She felt a smile spread on her lips. Ashton was going to turn out to be a great friend. She could just tell.

Liam waited for Jade to respond. He really wanted to talk to her.

Sure, Ash and I will swing by there.

Liam smiled before telling her he'd see her there. Now all he had to do was figure out how to tell her. Luke would kill him but he would worry about that later. All he cared was that she had to know.

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