Another opinion in the studio

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Ashton watched as the brunette and red head laughed together behind the turn table. It was clear they were good friends. The brunette known as AJ was grinning as she bobbed her head to whatever was in her headphones. Claire, the redhead, was messing with a few buttons.

Ashton couldn't hear what was happening behind the glass door but he watched carefully as the two of them worked and joked together.

"Don't let Nathan catch you staring like that. That's his sister in there." Max laughed with a wink.

"Oh I didn't realize..." Ashton bit his lip. That's great, he was just caught starting at AJ and she's Nathan's sister.

"Yeah, that red hair isn't natural. She dyes it. But they have the same green eyes." Max chuckled.

Ashton frowned. Red hair?

"I thought Claire's last name was Beckner? Ashton asked having recalled seeing her name written down earlier in the week.

"Nah, that's her mother's maiden name. She uses it cause she doesn't want the publicity of being Nathan's sister." Max shrugged.

Ashton felt relief flood him. Max thought he had been staring at Claire.

"Anyway, you might wanna talk to Nathan before you go making any moves." Max winked again.

"Oh, no, no, I'm's" Ashton laughed nervously.

"Hey, whatever man it's your business, I'm just warning you." Max chuckled.

"Umm, anyway, so I'm liking what we have so far and the guys were pretty ecstatic about the direction it was heading." Ashton stated pulling open the notebook they had been working in all week."

"Great, we should be able to finish it up today." Max smiled.

The two of them worked to finish the song.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but Max, we need you for a harmony." The redhead said suddenly in front of the table Max and Ashton were working at.

"Oh, umm sure, yeah give me like two seconds." Max said turning back to the notebook.

"All that's left is an ending, I'll toss one in there you go ahead." Ashton offered.

"You sure?" Max asked.

"Yeah, not a problem." Ashton waved his hand as Max trotted off.

Ashton tapped his pencil a few times before jotting a few things down he scribbled out one and wrote another. As he was about to scribble it out as well a voice spoke up behind him.

"Don't get rid of that. I like it." Claire took a seat in the spot Max had been previously.

Ashton jumped.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Claire grinned.

"No, it's fine. I just didn't know you were there." Ashton smiled.

"I really think you should keep that line." Claire said again looking back at the paper in front of them.

"Really? I think it could be better." Ashton shrugged.

"Anything we do could always be better but that doesn't mean we can't like the way it is. If we strove to make everything better we'd never have an end result." Claire smiled.

Ashton couldn't help but smile back.

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right, now you better keep that line." Claire winked before standing up.

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