Be careful

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Ashton woke up with a rather bad headache. He had clearly drank too much the night before but it had been worth it at the time. He managed to keep his mind off of Jade for the most part despite the fact that she had been at the table with them.

"Ashton, you up? I heard your alarm." Luke called from the closed door of their shared bathroom.

"Yeah." Ashton groaned.

"The bathroom is free." Luke replied back.

Ashton rolled out of bed and made his way groggily to the bathroom. He stepped inside and right into a puddle.

"Damn it Luke!" Ashton yelled.

"I didn't do anything!" Luke's voice called back.

"It's a damn swimming pool in here!"

"You want a swimming pool?" Luke asked.

"We have one now, thanks to you!"

"You want two?"

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"I hate you!" Ashton yelled even louder.

Once he finished in the bathroom he made his way to the kitchen where Luke was standing with a cup of tea.

"Here you are. By the way you shouldn't hate, that's not nice." Luke smiled handing over the cup of tea.

"Thank you but this doesn't make up for the river I stepped in earlier." Ashton glared taking the cup from Luke.

"Someone is grumpy today." Michael chimed in from the living room. Ashton hadn't seen him sitting there.

"You would be too if you had to share a bathroom with Shamu over here." Ashton huffed.

"Good morning people." Calum announced groggily as he waltzed into the kitchen sporting a pair of bright yellow boxers.

"Wow, those are some loud boxers you've got there Calum." Michael laughed.

"You're just jealous cause you don't have a pair." Calum retorted.

"Oh Ash, by the way thanks for agreeing to let Jade help with the song. She's over the moon. I gave her your number. She's gonna text you sometime today." Luke said with a large grin on his face. Ashton could see how much joy he got just by talking about her.

"Sure." Ashton shrugged taking a sip of tea. He could feel Michael's eyes on him.

Once the guys were dressed and ready they headed for the studio.

"Morning Beth." Luke called as they entered the studio doors.

"Morning boys, ready to get some recording done?" Beth asked cheerily. She had short brown hair that reached her chin. Her brown eyes landed on Ashton.

"Let's make this as painless as possible shall we?"

Ashton snorted earning a glare from the brunette.

"Luke we'll start with you, if that's alright." Beth turned with a smile to the blond.

"Sure." Luke nodded.

"We can go hit Melvin's and make it back before they finish the first riff." Ashton joked quietly so only Michael and Calum could hear. Melvin's was a restaurant they went to sometimes that took forever and a day. They were the slowest restaurant around.

Michael and Calum snickered as Luke tossed a warning glance at Ashton. He had clearly heard was Ashton said.

Just then Ashton's phone buzzed in his pocket. Frowning he pulled it out to see a text from a number he didn't know.

Hey Ashton, it's Jade. Luke gave me your number. I just wanted to say thank you for letting me be a part of the song you and Max wrote. I'm beyond excited! Can't wait to get started.

Ashton let out a sigh before typing up a response.

Hey Jade. It's not a big deal. I'm actually excited myself. I am dying to work with someone who isn't Beth, and seeing you work the other day makes me think this is going to be great. -A

Ashton hit send and looked up to see Michael staring at him.

"What?" Ashton asked frowning.

"What's with the stupid grin?" Michael asked knowing the answer already.


"Jade text you?" Michael asked when Ashton didn't respond.

"Yeah." Ashton answered simply.

"Ash, I know you know this already but be careful." Michael said walking towards his bandmate.

"I'm fine Michael, she's just excited about the song." Ashton said dismissively.

"That's all she may be excited about but what are you excited about?" Michael asked raising a brow.

"I'm excited to not be working with Beth on a song." Ashton snapped.

"Ashton, I'm just warning you. I can see how much it's affecting you." Michael was always in tune with others and how they were feeling.

"I'm fine." Ashton shrugged it off before heading into the percussion's room.

Michael let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked.

"Just worried about Ash is all." Michael replied vaguely.

"Yeah, I noticed he seems a little off. Plus he had a lot more to drink last night than he normally does." Calum frowned.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Michael frowned. He just hoped Ashton didn't get himself into trouble with this. That was the last thing any of them needed, was getting too involved with Jade.

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