I can't do this

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Michael shook his head as Ashton smiled down at his phone once again. He had been doing that all day. He knew Ashton was talking to Jade and Michael knew that was a bad idea. He didn't know how to get Ashton to back off. Ashton had been avoiding him ever since earlier when Michael had warned him to be careful.

Alright, let's head to New Haven shall we? It's officially the weekend!" Calum cheered as he entered the percussion's room.

The four guys locked up the studio and headed to their favorite bar.

"Hey babe!" Luke grinned as they neared the door. Jade was standing outside.

Ashton felt his stomach knot at the sight of her. She hadn't mentioned she was going to be here tonight, course neither had he. Ashton sighed. He felt Michael's eyes on him again. All day he had felt Michael staring at him but Ashton ignored him.

"Hey, Michael, Hey Calum, Hey Ash." Jade grinned waving at the other three boys. They waved back.

Michael narrowed his eyes at Ashton. She called him by his nickname.

Ashton ignored the glare he was currently getting from Michael.

"Oh Luke, you need to stop drowning poor Ashton after a shower." Jade scolded jokingly.

"You tattle tale." Luke sneered at Ashton who only chuckled.

"Don't be mean to him." Jade hit Luke's shoulder playfully.

"Hey, who's side are you on?" Luke laughed as he followed Jade inside.

Ashton was about to follow when he felt a hand pull him back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Michael seethed.

"Nothing." Ashton snapped pulling away.

"Ashton, you need to be careful." Michael hissed.

"I'm fine, Michael. We just talked. I can't avoid her. That will rise suspicion and piss Luke off." Ashton pointed out. Michael sighed as he followed the others inside.

Jade was heading towards the table when she saw two people sitting at their table already. Jade froze. She slowly backed up straight into Ashton.

"Whoa." Ashton caught her arm as she was about to trip over.

"Luke, what is he doing here?" Jade snapped turning to the blond.

"Jade, he wanted to see you." Luke said in an apologetic tone.

"You couldn't warn me?" Jade hissed.

"I knew you wouldn't come." Luke sighed.

"So you tricked me?" Jade snapped in disbelief.

"I didn't trick you, I just didn't tell you he was gonna be here." Luke explained.

"I can't do this." Jade snapped about to leave. Luke grabbed her arm.

"I thought you were over that? Come on, he's expecting you." Luke pleaded.

"Luke, it's been seven months since I've seen him. I'm not ready for this." Jade shook her head.

"Exactly it's been seven months. Look, have Ashton take you to the bar, get a drink and in about five minutes come to the table, alright. I promise it'll be fine." Luke smiled down at the brunette.

"I hate you." Jade said between clenched teeth.

"Well that works out cause so does Ashton." Luke winked before turning to Ashton.

"Make sure she comes over to the table in about ten minutes, please." Luke said in a hushed tone.

Ashton only nodded. He felt his stomach flip as he followed her to the bar.

"Hey Jade, usual?" Andrew asked as she and Ashton approached the bar.

"I think I'm gonna need something a little stronger tonight, Liam's here." Jade sighed taking a seat.

"Oh, I see." Andrew nodded knowingly.

"I'll have whatever she is." Ashton replied taking a seat hesitantly next to Jade.

Jade let her head fall into her hands. She was not ready for this. Not tonight.

"C-can I ask what's so bad about Liam?" Ashton asked. He knew Liam fairly well and he was one of the nicest guys, Ashton couldn't imagine why someone would dislike him.

"It's complicated." Jade replied vaguely. Ashton frowned but decided not to push it.

"Here you are, two Bourbon root beers." Andrew smiled setting the drinks down.

"Thanks." Jade replied with a forced smile. Taking a couple sips she let out a sigh.

"Let's get this done." She stood and waited for Ashton to follow suit.

Ashton grabbed his drink and felt Jade slip her arm in his. He felt the knot in his stomach tighten. The two of them made their way to the table. Once they were closer Ashton saw Michael look up. His eyes immediately dropped to Ashton and Jade's intertwined arms. He frowned tossing a warning glance at Ashton.

Michael let his glance soften when he saw the discomfort on Ashton's face. It was clear he wasn't the one who initiated the gesture. Michael felt a sympathetic smile spread across his lips. Ashton only pursed his lips.

Jade saw Harry look up noticing her finally. A smile appeared on his face.

"Jade!" He stood up. With that Liam turned around.

"Jade!" Liam exclaimed excitedly.

Jade braced. She knew what was coming next and she couldn't dread it more.

A/N Hey guys. I don't know if you're reading this but If you are thanks!!! I hope you are liking it. These couple of chaps have been kinda short and I apologize. The next few should be longer! Love ya!!

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