Four of a kind

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Hey okay so I'm updating but first, did you see the boys perform tonight on the Billboard Music Awards! They were so good! Poor Luke was so nervous!!! Anyway here it is. Love you guys!!!

Ashton stopped the car and put it in park.

"Looks like no one is home yet." Jade sighed looking at the dark house in front of them.

"You seem upset about that." Ashton noted the sadness in Jade's voice.

"No, I'm glad actually. Don't feel like explaining to Jay about Shawn." Jade bit her lip.

"I see." Ashton nodded.

"Thank you so much...for everything." Jade smiled at Ashton.

"For letting me work on the song with you and for dinner and for standing up to Shawn and for calming Luke down and for taking me home...You really are incredible."

Ashton looked up to meet Jade's piercing blue eyes.

"Of course." Ashton smiled.

"You literally have the most adorable smile ever, you know that?" Jade grinned.

Ashton bit his lip and dropped his gaze.

"Nah, yours is better." He immediately wanted to kick himself for saying that. He didn't need to be flirting with her she had a boyfriend and she was off limits anyway.

"You're sweet." Jade replied. Just then Ashton felt Jade press a kiss to his cheek. His stomach flipped.

"I'll talk to you later?" Jade asked before opening the car door.

"Uh, yeah." Ashton nodded catching her eye.

"Great, I'll see you later." Jade stepped out of the car closing the door behind her.

Ashton watched as the brunette walked towards the dark house. How it pained him to know that she would be crawling into another guys bed. Sighing Ashton put the car in reverse as Jade disappeared into the house. He needed to talk to Michael, Michael was the only person who knew about his feelings for Jade and he needed to vent.

The front door opened and in walked Luke and... Clarissa?

"Hey guys." Michael frowned waiting for Jade and Ashton to come through the door.

"Hey Mikey." Luke smiled. He seemed off.

"Where's Ash?" Michael asked suddenly concerned for his friend.

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