Always On My Mind

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Waking up late, I made a mad dash to get ready. Pulling my frizzy hair back into a ponytail I slid into my work attire and rushed out the door. Firing my car up I flew from the parking area and heard a ding ding. Inwardly groaning, I looked at my gas hand. Yep, right on E as always. Shit, just let me make it to work I mumbled aloud crossing my fingers.

An Angel must have been by my side because I did make it there and with enough time to spare myself a coffee before the breakfast crowd came rolling in. "Jesus Avery, are you sick?'
Ed asked.

"Gee Ed, that's just another way to tell me that I look like shit this morning".

Grinning he replied. "You, never".

"And no I'm not sick". I snapped as I dribbled coffee along my blouse.

Dabbling my blouse with a clean dish cloth I punched in on the time clock. "You want believe the night I had after I left here'. I called over my shoulder.

"What? Did Jerry finally make himself disappear?" Ed said sarcastically.

Turning to face him I retorted in a tight voice. "Ha Ha, Ed, real funny, but no."

They didn't dislike Jerry but they didn't exactly like him either. They found him a bit odd and a smidgen on the dwebish side. In truth he is but we get along well for the most part. He's basically a boy stuck in a man's body. His passion is magic followed by comic books, and superhero movies. Yes, he's a nerd of sorts and my friends seem to think I'm wasting my time with him. Okay, so he'd rather game all night instead of make love but I'm fine with that. He was my first so I have no other's to compare his bedroom skills to and he is a bit on the whiney side but for now I'm happy.

Continuing where I left off I said. "As a matter of fact I possibly walked up on a murder".

That really got Ed's attention. "What? Where?"

I explained how everything happened last night and that I didn't know if the guy had made it. "Damn Avery, you should really try to park closer".

Shrugging my shoulders I placed my apron on over my clown get up and set forth to start my work day. My mind kept wandering back to the mysterious man and I couldn't help but want to know if he made it. My shift ended after lunch and I stopped by for some gas then made my way home. My curiosity was getting the best of me and I caved. Showering the cheeseburger scent from me, I threw on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. Slipping in to my flip flops I headed to the hospital.

Upon entering the sterile lobby, I made my way to the information desk. The receptionist looked up boreingly at me. "Can I help you?"

"Umm... yes. A man was brought in last night in bad shape. He was found in a parking garage".

"His name please".

"Umm.. I don't exactly know it. I was the one who found him".

"One moment please".

I looked around aimlessly as she made a phone call. Putting the phone down she spoke in her nasal voice. "Seems the nurse would like to speak with you. Normally we don't allow visitors unless their family. Go to the fourth floor nurses desk and ask for nurse Casandra".

Nodding, I thanked her and went on my way. Thankfully the nurses station wasn't to hard to find but I was met by another nasally receptionist. "Hi, I need to see nurse Casandra".

Nodding she spun her chair around and nudged a plump, red headed older lady. The lady rose and greeted me with a smile. "I assume you are the one who found our mystery man?".

Agreeing with her she continued. "I was hoping you could help us solve this case as to who he is. Obviously he was robbed because no identification was found on him. No wallet, no phone, not even a helpful note in a pocket. He is alive but in a coma. We have no next of kin to call and there's been no reports of a missing man that fits his description. I was hoping you may recall anything that could help us".

It was so sad. Here he was lying on possibly his death bed and no family knew his whereabouts. He could have a wife or kid's and they'd never know. He's suffering alone and my heart broke for him. Recalling the events from last night I slowly shook my head. "Sorry no. He was moaning when I found him and was halfway coherent. He managed to insult my work uniform and that's about it".

Giving a sad smile she mumbled. "Such a sad situation".

"Will he survive?" I blurted out with more worry than I should have.

"Seems to me he will. Someone clobbered him over the head pretty good and he has a few stab wounds. Evidently his attacker assumed him dead and left him like that. Thankfully you came along when you did".

"M-May I see him?" I stuttered a bit uncomfortable.

"It's against the rules but I don't see what it could hurt. He needs somebody".

She pointed her stubby finger toward his room and I thanked her before scampering off. I slowly peeked into the room and saw his still figure lying on the bed. Stepping further in I neared his bed. Even through the bruises and scrapes on his face there was no mistaken that he was a handsome man. He wasn't like Jerry that's for sure.

Jerry was very slim and not much on working out where mystery man's muscles seemed to buldge just a bit beneath his hospital gown. He was definitely a large, tall man. His jaw line could have been etched from marble as prominent as it was. Jerry's was more rounded and baby faced where mystery man had a bit of nicely shaped scruff. His skin seemed so smooth and nicely tanned. Jerry was white as a ghost with a smackling of freckles to go along with his reddish hair. Mystery Man's hair was dark as night and without thought I reached out and brushed it from his forehead.

Retrieving my hand as if I'd been burnt, I started to back out. I needed to get home so I could prepare for my date with Jerry at this talent show. Really, would it kill him to actually take me out to a fancy dinner just once. I felt like screaming every time he brought up magic and I knew that's all he would discuss tonight.

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