Reach For Me, Please

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I thought Avery would never stop throwing a tantrum at my door. When she smashed the vase though, I almost went out there but stopped myself. I feared if I did I'd give in and drag her back to my room to give her what she wanted, but I can't.

This has nothing to do with being attached to Sasha. Sasha is just passing time. No, with Avery I have to be careful and protect my heart. Yes, I have one, but only for Avery and Aden. The last time Avery shot me down hurt to deep. I can't do that again. I can't keep feeling this pain. It's true I brought all this on and probably getting what I deserve.

More then  likely she just wanted me because she was drunk and I was here. When I rejected her she lashed out but this time I stood there taking it as her hands slammed upon my face and chest. This only infuriated her more but I'm trying to show her that I can restrain myself. I'll never hurt her in anyway again. Whatever Avery wants I will give it to her. I'd lasso the moon for her if that's what she wanted. I just wished she could see this.

After last night I knew we needed to talk but this will be my last talk. If she refuses me again I will move on. There's no need to chase empty dreams. I just want this hurt to go away.

It was around nine in the morning and Aden was off having his swimming lesson. I gently opened her bedroom door. Avery was sitting up in bed looking disheveled as she had just woken. She looked over at me and a mixture of emotions washed over her face, shame, embarrassment, confusion. Yet this time I saw no fear. Usually when I neared her entire body tensed, but no, this time she sat on her bed with her shoulders slumped.

Stepping further in, I handed her a water and something for the hangover she was sure to have. She spyed my black eye an gasped. "Please tell me I didn't do that?"

Grinning I replied. "You had some good moves last night".

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Severo".

And there it was, the one thing she could always say that brought me to my knees... my name. Sucking in a deep breath,  I gently sat on the edge of the bed by her. "We should discuss what happened last night?"

She shook her head shamefully. "I was wasted and I apologize for anything I said or did".

"Did you mean it Avery?"

She looked down at her fingers that was busy fiddling with the sheet. "I was just drunk. I can't recall much of anything".

I could see she would never willingly admit to it so I decided to get to the point. "So, what did you think of Sasha?"

Could that have been a glimmer of irritation in her eye's or just me hoping it was. Shrugging she replied. "She's okay I guess".

I knew I just had to lay it out. Avery was too prideful to admit the truth. "Avery, all you need to do is say it, say it Avery and she's gone and I'll be yours. You was wrong last night baby, I do love you, always have. It was never about controlling you when we was together. You are my princess and I want nothing more than to give you the world and a easy life. I want to buy you fine thing's and spoil you. You should never have to worry about bill's or money. I want to take care of you."

She sniffled and wiped tears from her cheek. "I can't Severo".

I placed my palm aginest her cheek and swiped a tear with my thumb. In a voice full of emotion I said. "Please sunshine. I'm begging you". I slid from the bed and got down on my knees. I gripped her hands in my large one's and my own dam broke. Yes, I was crying.

"Let me have you Avery. Look at me, you know I don't cry but look at me. I promise I'll never let you down again. Continue to work and do as you like just please give me another chance?"

She sat still while her tears fell onto our entwined hands mixing with mine. "Say something Avery. Tell me something".

She lifted her hand and her fingertips grazed my face. "Severo I".

She paused so I encouraged her. "Yes baby, go on".

She leaned down a bit as I leaned toward her. It was if we were going in slowly for a kiss. Eventually our lips were so close I could feel her breath. Her tounge gently wettened her lips followed by slightly biting her lower lip. I moved closer and parted my mouth. Showing her I was open and waiting, the move was hers, the decision hers. All she had to do was kiss me or say it and I would be all hers. Do it baby, say it sunshine I silently pleaded. Her hands wrapped around my neck pulling me closer. When she couldn't get close enough, her body slid from the bed and she sat on her knees in front of me, our stomachs pressed together. Then she closed her eye's and started to move further in. I refused to close my eye's, I wanted to capture the moment her lips met mine and she forever owned me. So close, so near. She parted her lips and went in. As soon as her lip barely grazed mine a female voice called out. "Severo, where are you Severo?"

Like a bucket of cold water had been tossed on us, Avery jerked back and stood. I heard Sasha's voice call me again. "Go". Avery commanded.

"Avery please. Just say it and I'll send her on her way. It's you Avery, your the one I want, why can't you see that?"

She sadly shook her head and I brokenheartedly rose. "Please". I offered up one more time.

"I , I can't. I'm sorry".

Finally accepting that she'd never come back, I walked to the door. Turning to look back at her, I said in a horse voice. "You can stay as long as you like, I'm not kicking you out. You have my permission to move if you'd like. I will see to it your protected always and all I ask is to see Aden whenever I like. My support for him will remain intact regardless your decision".

After ripping my heart out, I gave her a nod and stepped out.

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