Return To The Hacinda

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"Aden, Aden". I whispered in a dry, scratchy voice. My eye's had yet to open but I could feel that I was lying on a cold stone floor. My body ached from the previous events and I could feel my dried blood caking to my most injured parts. My ribs stung with pain with each breath I took. Then everything became very clear to me, Severo had my baby.

Forcing my eye's to open through the tender swelling, I recognized the small room I had once stayed in. I was back at the Hacinda. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I forced myself up from the floor. Releasing a soft whimper as my ribs throbbed at the slightest movement, I retrained my focus. You didn't train to be defeated, I mentally told myself. You have a son to save, you've got to push the pain aside. Remembering Aden's frightened cries as Severo tried to rip him from me, I forgot my pain and bolted out the door.

I reached the top of the stairs and saw that the sun shone brightly. How long have I been out I wondered. I knew where I needed to go. Severo would more than likely be in his office by now and I was ready for round two. As I rounded the top of the stairs that led to his office, I ran into one of his men. Stepping forward, he said a bit loudly. "What are you doing out of the room? You can't go any further".

"The hell I can't" I sneered and delivered a kick to his crotch and while he was bent over holding himself, I gave him a good shove down the stairs. I didn't stay to see how he fared, instead I took off to the office. Without knocking, I busted into the room and found Severo sitting behind his desk so calmly. His eye's were blackened and he sported several scratches in various places. I mentally patted myself on the back for leaving my mark.

Not caring that I looked like a busted up rag doll, I stormed over do his desk. My anger at seeing him far outweighed my pain. Walking around his desk, I gripped his collar and screamed. "Where's my son you cock sucker?"

The bastard smirked at me but remained mute. I pushed against his chest hard enough to flip his chair backwards whilst he sat in it. Once he rolled out onto the floor, I pounced on him punching his already bruised face. "What did you do to my son you bastard?"

Before anything more took place, two of his men ran in and slung me from him. Each had ahold of an arm holding me steady. "Boss she attacked Max. Pushed him down a flight of stairs. Poor bastard busted his head open and suffered a fractured elbow".

Cackling out loud like a mad woman I shouted. "He should've died. All of you should die".

Severo ran at me and backhanded my mouth, which caused my already busted lip to seep blood again. My head hung low but I cut my eye's up to him and seethed in a deadly voice. "Where is my son you monster?"

Severo arched his brows mockingly and spoke smartly. "My son is safe and being cared for. However you want be seeing him anytime soon. Let's see, I served two year's because of you. In those two year's I wasn't allowed to see my home, work an such. You will stay downstairs and do my bidding for two year's and just maybe I'll let you glimpse him before I kill you".

A raging scream tore from my throat and I tried to break these buffons grip. I swung my foot out and managed to deliver a swift kick to Severo's side. Grunting he rushed me again and dug his fingers into my damaged ribs. I tried hard not to show any weakness but eventually a whimper escaped my lips. With a satisfied grin, Severo removed his fingers and I spat in his face and sounded like Satan himself when I spoke. "You will never sleep again because when you do I will slit your throat open like the pig you are".

Severo stared at me long an hard then shouted orders to his men. "Get this bitch out of my sight and make sure her door is properly guarded".

I laughed like a lunatic as they carted me off and yelled over my shoulder. "What's the matter Severo, are you scared of little ole me? I'm still fragile you know, but not like a flower no, I'm fragile like a bomb".

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