Forgive, Never Forget

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The car engine finally died and I could hear these strange men getting out slamming the doors. This is it I thought, I'm going to die. I said a quick prayer for my soul, for it go quickly and for my Aden to have a loving life.

The trunk popped open  all to soon and I was drug out roughly. The Men didn't acknowledge me, they just kept up their chatter. Taking this time to glance around, I assumed we was parked in the back of a snazzy casino resort. They led me through a row of dumpsters and into a back door. Stepping in I could tell we was in the back part of a restaurant kitchen but no staff was about. Walking briskly down a hall we entered another door that opened up to a staff elevator only. I watched them hit the top floor button and in seconds the doors opened up to a glorious pent house suite.

However my journey didn't stop there. I was led through a series of rooms and tossed roughly into a bathroom. The door slammed behind me and then I heard a buzzing sound.  It took a few moment's for me to recognize that it was a drill. Evidently they was screwing the door shut to prevent me from  escaping.

I still wore this slip of a dress Severo bought me and this bathroom was rather drafty. Spotting a few towels and a robe curtisy of the hotel, I slipped it on and laid the towels on the cool ceramic floor for a bit of softness. I settled down on top of them and leaned my back against the wall. My mind was going a mile a minute thinking of all the worse case scenarios. Would these men rape me? Linger my killing out?

I thought of the worse ways to die such as drowning slowly or having my throat slit. I tried to focus on happier thoughts but it was hard to do so in my current predicament. Severo even worked his way into my thoughts. I wondered if he'd come to my rescue but I knew he wouldn't. More than likely he was happy I was gone. He had planned on eventually killing me anyways so I guess this just lightened his load. I was gone, out of his hair, one less problem right?

There was no indication of time in my tiny new cell but everything seemed to standstill. Working up the nerve, I stood and jiggled the door knob. No such luck there, it was if I was cemented in. Placing my ear to the door, I listened for the tiniest clue but heard nothing but a distance t.v. maybe. Sitting back down, I drew my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them.

I must've dozed off for awhile because the next thing I remember was waking to the sounds of gunfire and yells. Not knowing which direction the bullets were flying, I hunkered down into the tub for a bit of protection. After quite some time everything went silent and I didn't know what to expect. Then I heard the slightest peck on the door and I froze. The pecks turned into more vicious pounding as if someone was trying to break the door down. My time has come I thought, these are my final moment's.

The door finally splintered and gave way. I sank lower in the tub hoping I would remain hidden. I was quiet as a mouse but my heart told another story. If I could hear it's frantic drumming I knew whomever busted in could to. Great I thought a bit sarcastically,  My heart betrays me yet again and will led my killer right to me.

Suddenly the shower curtain was jerked backed and I squeezed my eye's shut. I didn't want to see a thing. I felt arm's lift me up and cradle me bridal style, yet I kept my eye's sealed shut. Then something familiar assaulted my nose. That scent, I knew that scent. Without thinking I placed my face into the crook of this person's neck and inhaled deeply. Yes, that scent, I'd recognize it anywhere. Not a overpowering cologne or soap no, this was that of the sweetest skin I'd ever known. This was his scent.

Opening my eye's I saw that I was in Severo's arm's and being hauled away from this place. I saw his men and dead bodies strewn about but I didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that I was rescued. Feeling overly emotional I threw my arm's around Severo's neck and held on tightly. I know right, I'm rescued from one prison just to return to another, but I was just happy to be reunited with my child.

Eventually we got into one of Severo's cars and instead of him sitting me down he kept me on his lap and close. He mumbled his first word's to me so delicately. "Are you hurt".

I couldn't seem to summon my voice so I only shook my head no. As soon as I did that my stomach released a thundering growl and Severo chuckled so sweetly. The bastard chuckled?? Had I missed something? Digging in his coat he phoned someone and ordered them to have a hot meal waiting, that we would arrive soon.  Once he disconnected, he looked down at me and for a moment I  recognized that old look on his face. That adoring look he gave me when I was his princess. Then he placed his hand atop my head and gently led it to his shoulder and simply said "rest princess".

I found that odd but after all the events of the day I didn't have the strength to question it. Instead I did as he said, I slept against his warmth.

When I woke we had came to a stop and I saw a lovely log cabin surrounded by tall pine trees. My brow furrowed as I wandered where we were. Severo smiled down at me gently. "This is a secret location I have. Rest assured Aden is already here. I figure it's best to lay low for awhile until I make sure the threat has been eliminated".

There he went again, picking me up and carrying me inside as if I were a baby, his baby. Once in, I wiggled free of his arm's and looked around. "Aden is upstairs in his room sound asleep. You can look in on him if you like. Once you do go freshen up. You'll find a bathroom at the end of the hall in the master suite. I've had a few of your belongings delivered so you should be all set. Once your done come down and eat".

Only nodding, I rushed off. Naturally I looked in on my son and tears Welled up in my eye's. Kissing his forehead, I made my way to the bathroom. Even in my fuzzy state of mind I could tell that this cabin was lavishly decorated and a warm cozy feeling came over me, almost a relaxing calmness.

Stepping from the shower, I toweled off and slipped into my favorite sweats that had been laid out for me. Going back downstairs I found Severo at a wooden log table that was so fitting for this home. There was a breakfast spread fit for a king laid out.  "Sit". Severo indicated sweeping his hand toward the table. I complied but sat at the far end from him. "Let's eat shall we?"

Shoot, he didn't need to ask me twice. Before he could finish his sentence, I had already downed two sausage links. As I was piling my plate full like I was a lumberjack he spoke and couldn't have shocked me more.

"Avery I need to apologize. I've been horrible to you and accused you of something that your just not capable of. I know I held you turning info in to the police over your head and made you pay dearly for it. I can't express how wrong I was. I was hurt true, but it's still no excuse. Avery fuck this is hard for me to say, admit I was wrong, that I fucked up but damn it the truth is I never stopped loving you. I still love you and Aden now. I want nothing more than for us to be a family".

I sat my fork down no longer hungry. To shocked to eat. This was all too much too soon. "Severo, I-I don't know what to say but I do know right now my head isn't clear. I fear I can't do this, not with you again. You've broken my trust to many time's, turned your back on me too often. What happens the next time you don't believe me, trust in me. Yes, I know what I did was wrong but I didn't won't to do it. Those cop's badgered me and I was young and scared. I've went through hell for it. I haven't seen my parent's in over two year's because of it. I can forgive but I'll never forget".

With that being said, I stood up and walked away from him.

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