Can You Breathe

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This chapter contains abuse. If you're easily offended do not read!!!
If you choose to read after my warning refrain from commenting if it upsets you!

Once I was back in my room I paced around like a caged lion. The nerve, no the audacity that cunt had branding me with his name. Who the hell does he think he is. I'm a fucking savage, I'll kill him and I do mean that. Not to mention he forced birth control on me. He's a poor sucker if he thinks for one moment I'll allow him inside my body.

Checking out my new hideous tattoo in the mirror again I seethed. If I  had been a dragon I would be blowing fire. This fucker goes down tonight. It was near dinner time and my anger had me famished. Mostly I was served food not fit for a dog while everyone else ate like kings. Well that changes tonight. Waltzing from my room I made my way to the kitchen. The plates were waiting to be served. I eyed the mouth watering steak, potatoes and crisp salad. Reaching for a plate one of the staff stopped me. "You can't have that. It's for Severo and his men".

Leveling my gaze on this old bat I snarled. "Does it look like I have any fucks to give. I'm taking this plate and dare anyone to stop me".

Her along with the rest backed away and minded their own business. They new I wouldn't hesitate to throw down. Picking up the plate, I went to the dining room. Help wasn't allowed to eat in here at anytime but screw that. I'm not help or staff. I'm not even a guest, but I am a rule breaker and nothing satisfies me more than ruffling Severo's feathers.

As I entered the room Severo's eye's settled on me along with his men and Lana. "Who gave you permission to eat in here and eat my food"? Severo hissed.

While buttering my bread I answered. "I need no one's permission".

"Leave immediately" he demanded.

"Screw off puss boy. I'm about to enjoy this steak. Probably be the best piece of meat I've ever put in my mouth considering the last tiny dick fucker I was with". I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh my bad, I forgot, you was the last tiny dick fucker".

Tallon stifled a laugh and I decided to fuck with Lana a bit. Not because I hated her because I didn't. Her actions just hurt me terribly. Lana was supposed to be my best friend but turned her back on me then sets here and sees Severo's treatment of me yet turns her head. I'd never done her that way. I would have been there for her.

I took notice that they all was munching away on shrimp cocktail as an appetizer. Smiling like a Biden at Tallon I spoke sweetly. "Hey sugar, how's the shrimp cocktail?"

I could see the confusion on his face. He didn't know what to do. "Umm.. it's okay".

Propping my chin onto my hand I winked and said in a velvety voice. "Mind if I have a tiny nibble?"

"Ummm... okay". He said nervously.

I leaned toward him and popped my mouth open indicating that I wanted him to feed it to me. I extended my tounge just a bit and closed my eye's. I heard a groan escape him followed by Lana's hiss. "What the fuck Tallon? Your just going to set there and feed that bitch?"

"I-I'M sorry Lana. I didn't know what to do?"

Lana tossed her napkin down and strode out with Tallon on her heels pleading his case. I saw both of their shrimp cocktails sitting abandoned. Rubbing my hands together I squealed. "Oh boy, double prizes for me".

I slid their dish to me and dug in ignoring the stares I was getting. "Avery, I'm going to ask you once again to leave this room". Severo said in a tight voice.

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